Lead/Senior J2EE Developer
We are seeking a strong J2EE developer who can lead a small team on a challenging project. The goal of the project is to re-engineer a legacy toll collection system into a next generation Java architecture. The system will consist of a traditional n-tier web front-end as well as a high-performance distributed batch processing framework for background processing.
The lead developer is expected to participate in all aspects of the project life-cycle including design, prototyping, implementation, testing, deployment and production support. Beyond being a great technical candidate, the lead developer must also have strong interpersonal skills, capacity to lead junior developers and comfort in interacting with a variety of groups including business analysts, architects, system administrators, database administrators and quality assurance analysts. The lead developer will report to both the project manager and senior architect.
It is critically important to be able to independently learn and apply complex technologies and come up with solutions. It is also critically important to be a driven leader that can adapt to challenges and keep the team motivated by both listening and teaching. Code and product quality is an important factor for us so we are looking for a seasoned individual with a strong sense of professional ethics, passion for the job and pride of workmanship.
Understand systems design and architectural concerns.
Communicate with business analyst and architect to clarify requirements as needed.
Be able to translate requirements to component design and be able to communicate the design to junior developers.
Actively develop prototypes of critical system components.
Effectively delegate tasks, monitor progress and solve team problems.
Perform code reviews and developer mentoring.
Coordinate development, testing and deployment with various groups such as system administrators, database administrators, business analysts and quality assurance personnel.
Aid in testing and deployment.
Perform critical production support.
Be actively involved in hands-on development throughout the project life-span.
Write system documentation as needed.
Skills Required:
5+ years of experience with Java SE.
3+ years of experience with J2EE.
5+ experience with SQL and relational databases (Oracle mildly preferred).
1+ years of experience with JMS.
2+ years of experience with EJB 2.x, Spring framework or EJB 3. EJB 2.x stateless session beans and message driven beans (MDB) experience strongly preferred.
1+ years experience with JBoss Hibernate, BEA Kodo, Oracle TopLink or JPA.
2+ years Struts or JSF. JSF exposure highly desirable.
Full cycle development experience. It will be almost impossible for you to get up to speed in time if you just have maintenance or low-level implementation experience.
Skills Preferred:
· Experience with technical leadership roles.
· 1+ years of experience with WebSphere, WebLogic, Oracle AS or JBoss AS. WebSphere mildly preferred.
· 1+ years experience with an enterprise scheduler such as Quartz or Flux. Flux highly desirable.
· Experience with large-scale cluster deployments.
· Exposure to Actuate or JasperReports.
· Exposure to JAAS authentication and authorization using LDAP.
· Significant experience with ClearCase.
Latest Posting
Senin, Februari 25, 2008
need JAVA developers for our client
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1 komentar
Label: IT Worker
Vac: IT Engineer
Our client, Japanese Company is looking urgently for position:
§ Male, age 23 -29 years old
§ Having basic IT knowledge and skills
§ Fluent in English
§ Ability to communicate in Nihongo is a plus
§ Mastering PC both in hardware and software
§ Must have IP Protocol knowledge
§ Good attitude, team player, and healthy
§ Willing to work in a flexible time limit
§ Should have working experience in Japanese environment
Please drop CV to: iconwork.recruitmen
Details: www.iconwork.
Diposting oleh
Label: IT Worker
PT. Duta Hutama Perkasa
Pelaksana Lapangan
Perusahaan :
PT. Duta Hutama Perkasa
Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
Deskripsi Kerja :
Bertanggung-jawab kepada Kepala Pelaksana, didalam mengkoordinasikan, mengawasi secara langsung, dan melaksanakan semua pengoperasian, pemeliharaan dan perbaikan mekanik dan listrik yang digunakan untuk menunjang segala kegiatan di gedung / proyek.
Syarat-syarat :
Pengalaman Proyek Min 3 Th
Jurusan :
Teknik Elektro,Teknik Mesin
Pengalaman :
3 tahun
Fasilitas :
Gaji :
Not described
Informasi Tambahan :
Jumlah posisi :
Penempatan :
Not described
Syarat Umum :
1.Pria, 2. Umur Max 28 Th, 3. Kreatif Dalam Solusi, 4. Bertanggung-jawab, 5. Bisa Bekerja Dalam Tim, 6. Bersedia Ditempatkan Dimana Saja
Diposting oleh
1 komentar
Label: Engineer
Vacancy in Oman for Large Scale Oil & Gas Project
Our client, a leading EPC Company in Oman are seeking for Indonesian
Professional for their ongoing project, the vacant positions are:
1. Project Manager
Minimum Experience & Education:
BSc. Mechanical with 20-24 years Experience in managing large
scale of Oil&Gas/ Petrochemical Projects with ability to successfully
lead a large team of Engineers.
2. Construction Manager
Minimum Experience & Education:
BSc. Mechanical with 17-20 years Experience in managing large
scale of Oil&Gas/ Petrochemical Projects with ability to successfully
lead a large team of Engineers & Supervisors
3. Planning Engineer
Minimum Experience & Education:
BSc. Mechanical with 12+ years Experience in planning, scheduling
and monitoring construction of Oil&Gas / Petrochemical / Power Project
Knowledge of Primavera is essential.
4. Quantity Surveyor
Minimum Education & Qualification
B.Sc with 8+ years Experience in work measurement, etc. in
5. Construction Supervisors
Minimum Experience & Education:
Diploma Holder (D3) with 10+ years Experience in construction of
Oil&Gas /Petrochemical/
lead a large team of workers.
All the above position offer attractive tax free salary package and
benefits including free accommodation, transportation and will have
an excellent career opportunity.
Those interested, in being considered for these exciting
opportunities, please send preferably by email a comprehensive CV
quoting the appropriate position title to : hrd 2 at lansima dot com
Only candidates with qualified experience will be notified and
Shortlisted for Direct Interview on Early March
Tel 021 92 62 62 82
Diposting oleh
Label: Oil and Gas, Various Position
Sales Engineer
Our company, dealing in trading and services, currently seeking for
enthusiastic, dynamic, self-initiative and outgoing person to fill
the position of :
He/She will promote and sale the Active Board, supporting tools for
presentation or teaching, to Education Institutions and Offices.
The requirements:
- He/She has S1 Degree (Business/Economic/Engineer)
- Has experience for min. 2 years, experience in Training or Consultation Selling is preferable
- Willing to travel (all region in Indonesia)
- Good in Microsoft Office Application
- Fluent in English both in written and verbal
Please send a complete CV and recent photograph not later than 10
days after this announcement to: hrd@transavia.
Diposting oleh
Label: Sales
Vacancy : Marketing for Waste Water Management (MWW-15)
Our client a Waste Water management Industry is currently looking for
Marketing staff
With qualifications as follows:
1. Bachelor Degree of Chemical Engineering
2. Male/ 25-30 years old
3. Mobile and pleasant Personality
Please send your resume in MS Word Format to resume@asiaresourci
position code in your email subject.
Diposting oleh
Label: Engineer
Perusahaan :
PT Patra Nusa Data
Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
Deskripsi Kerja :
Mengelola data eksplorasi MIGAS yang meliputi data sumur, data seismik dan data G&G lainya serta menawarkannya pada calon investor yang berminat.
Syarat-syarat :
- Dapat berbahasa Inggris aktif - Memiliki kemauan dan integritas yang baik dalam bekerja - Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim - Mengerti dasar-dasar seismik/data perminyakan
Jurusan :
Ilmu Fisika,Teknik Fisika,Teknik Geodesi,Teknik Geologi,Teknik Perminyakan
Pengalaman :
0 tahun
Fasilitas :
Gaji :
Not described
Informasi Tambahan :
Jumlah posisi :
Penempatan :
Syarat Umum :
Sehat Jasmani & Rohani
Keterangan :
Kirim lamaran atau cv ke hrd@patranusa.com atau sumarsono@patranusa.com Via Pos: PT. Patra Nusa Data Gedung Arsip Pertamina, Jl. Yos Sudarso Jembatan III, Plumpang Jakarta Utara 14230 Cp. Sumarsono (021-4359737) ext 404
Diposting oleh
Label: Engineer, Mining, Oil and Gas
Urgently Needed (Freelance Marketing & Sales Admin)
An Information Technology (IT) & e-Advertising Company located in Pantai
Indah Kapuk is looking for qualified, hard-working and insightful male &
female executive who has interest in IT & e-Advertising field to join our
winning team as :
1. Freelance Marketing Executive (ME)
- Male or Female
- Age between 20-30 years old
- Min Associate Degree (D3) in any discipline, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Fluent in English, both oral & written
- Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skill
- Good appearance, Self motivated, Creative, Energetic, and Ambitious toward goals and target
- Capable of achievement Sales target
- Familiar in internet & able to online in Yahoo Messenger every working day
- Have knowledgeable in IT & e-Advertising would be preferable
2. Sales Admin & Telemarketing (SAT)
- Male or Female
- Age between 20-25 years old
- Min Associate Degree (D3) in finance/accounting, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Fluent in English, both oral & written
- Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skill
- Good appearance, Self motivated, Creative, Energetic
- Have knowledgeable in IT & e-Advertising would be preferable
- Willing to work under Contract basis
All application will be treated strictly confidential. Should you meet all
of the qualifications above, please send your full resume, portfolio (for
designer) and recent Photograph to : juliana@maulagi.
position & code)
Diposting oleh
Label: Accounting, Fresh Graduate, Marketing
Vacancy : SAP Consultant at PT Kimberly-Clark Indonesia
PT Kimberly-Clark Indonesia, a multinational company dealing with
consumer and industrial goods (with well-known global brands, such as
Huggies, Kotex, Kleenex, Scott Tissue, Trenties and Kimberly-Clark
Professional products), is currently looking for dynamic and skilled
professional to strengthen our fast growing business in Indonesia as:
SAP Consultant
(Temporary 6 months)
Key Duties:
This position accountable to support the post implementation and
troubleshooting of SAP R/3 system for SD (Sales & Distribution) module.
· SAP R/3 certified for Sales & Distribution module.
· Experience in implementing SAP R/3 system in FMCG.
How to Apply…
If you believe you have the energy, the passions and the right
qualifications we need for those challenging roles; Share your dreams
with us and send your CV and application letter to:
PT Kimberly-Clark Indonesia at email address ariani.dwiastuti@
Type the position title and code you wish to apply on your email subject
and Only shortlisted candidates will be entertained.
Diposting oleh
Label: Consultant
Bandar Lampung, Lampung
Company description :
PT Pemukasakti Manisindah (PT PSMI) sebuah perkebunan tebu dan pabrik gula di Kabupaten Waykanan Lampung
Deskripsi Kerja :
Membutuhkan karyawan untuk ditempatkan dibagian Pabrik Gula (penggilingan dan Pengolahan) dari Lulusan S1, D3, Politeknik
Syarat-syarat :
1.Bersedia ditugaskan dilokasi perkebunan
2.Berbadan Sehat, berkelakuan baik serta mempunyai motivasi tinggi untuk maju
3.Umur per tanggal 01 Mei 2008 :
-Tamatan S1 : Belum Mencapai 31 tahun
-Tamatan D3 : Belum mencapai 29 tahun
4.Mempunyai ijazah Peruruan Tinggi Negeri atau PTS yang terakreditasi
Jurusan :
Semua Jurusan
Pengalaman :
Fasilitas :
Gaji :
Not described
Informasi Tambahan :
Jumlah posisi :
Penempatan :
Not described
Syarat Umum :
Persyaratan Khusus S1
1.Jenis Kelamin Laki-Laki
2.IPK kumulatif minimal 2,6
3.Posisi / Bidang Kerja dan Jurusan yang diperlukan
- Technical Engineering (A-TEN) ,Teknik Mesin
- Processing (A-PRO) ,Teknik Kimia, Teknik Industri, Teknik Hasil Pertanian,Teknik Pangan
Persyaratan Khusus D3, Politeknik atau Sederajat
1.Jenis Kelamin Laki-Laki
2.IPKmKumulatif minimal 2,6
3.Posisi / Bidang Kerja dan Jurusan Yang diperlukan
- Technical Engineering(D-MES),Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Sipil
- Processing (D-PRO),Teknik Kimia, Teknik Industri, Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Teknologi Pangan
- Electrical (D-LIS),Teknik Electro Arus Kuat
- Instrument (D-INS),Teknik Electro Arus Lemah, Fisika Instrumentasi, Teknologi Informasi
Keterangan :
Persyaratan Pengiriman Lamaran
1.Tuliskan KODE POSISI yang anda minati disudut kanan atas surat lamaran (bukan diamplop lamaran)
2.Lamaran dilengkapi / dilampiri dengan :
Fotokopi Ijazah yang sudah dilegalisir = 1 lembar
Pas Foto ukuran 3x4 atau 4x6 = 2 lembar
Daftar Riwayat Hidup(Tuliskan Juga Nomor Telepon/HP yg bisa dihubungi)
3.Lamaran dikirim ke : HRD PT PSMI, Jln. Gatot Subroto 108 Bandar Lampung รข€“ 35226
4.Lamaran sudah harus diterima paling lambat tanggal 29 Februari 2008
Diposting oleh
Label: Engineer
Lowongan Security Manager / Project Manager
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pengamanan yang
berlokasi di Jakarta serta terkenal dengan sebutan Security System 911
dan juga bergerak di bidang Cash Management Services Cash in Transit).
Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun dan didukung oleh standar mutu
pelayanan ISO 9001:2000, SS-911 adalah ahli di bidang : sistem
pengamanan, manajemen pengamanan terlatih, pelatihan sekuriti,
konsultasi sekuriti, penilaian sekuriti, penjagaan pelabuhan dan
kapal, dll. Saat ini kami beroperasi di pertambangan minyak dan gas
bumi, perbankan, proyek pembangkit listrik baik di Sumatra, Jawa,
Kalimantan, Suwalewi, Nusa Tenggara, dll. Seiring dengan perkembangan
usaha, maka dibutuhkan SDM berkualitas untuk mengisi lowongan sebagai
berikut :
Persyaratan yang diminta :
1. Pendidikan sarjana (jika sipil) atau pensiunan POLRI / TNI dengan
pangkat minimal Kapten / AKP
2. Sudah terbiasa memimpin anak buah / pasukan minimal 100 orang
3. Bahasa Inggris aktif diutamakan
4. Kemampuan menggunakan Komputer (MS Word, Excel) dan bisa
menggunakan internet
5. Pengalaman di bidang operasional minimal 5 tahun (diutamakan di
bidang sekuriti)
6. Usia antara 25 - 50 tahun
7. Kemampuan dalam pembuatan laporan kejadian
8. Pengetahuan di bidang HSE, ISO, TQM akan menjadi nilai tambah.
SS-911 menawarkan paket pendapatan yang menarik, pelamar dipersilakan
mengirim lamaran dengan 2 (dua) cara sebagai berikut :
1. Via Pos Indonesia ditujukan kepada :
PT Nawakara Perkasa Nusantara SS-911
(up. Bpk. Bambang S Nugroho)
Kompleks Golden Plaza Block C 1-3,
Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 15,
Jakarta Selatan 12420
2. Via Email ditujukan kepada :
Kirimkan surat lamaran berikut Riwayat Hidup (CV) diserta scan ijasah
dengan total tidak lebih dari 200 KB serta jangan lupa mencantumkan
judul subjek email "LAMARAN PM / SM"
Tidak ada proses diskriminasi dalam proses rekrutmen, lamaran ditunggu
hingga 15 Maret 2008. Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi seperti
di atas akan segera dihubungi untuk dilakukan wawancara lebih lanjut.
Diposting oleh
Label: Manager
Infociti is seeking suitably qualified candidates to join its
high-powered team. Don't miss this opportunity.
1. Software Engineer
You will work with a team of highly talented Software Engineers to
further the
company's technology edge to compete with the best in the world.
Adapt and develop Web, Mobile and Telecommunication applications
Adopt and keep abreast of Internet and Mobile technologies and
Work with partners and mobile operators to implement comprehensive
solutions on cutting-edge platforms and technologies
Enjoy programming in C++, PHP and SQL in Linux environments
Knowledge in Java, Javascript, Perl, etc. an advantage
Internet savvy and able to learn fast as well as work under pressure
2. Systems Engineer
You will work with the Systems Team to build a highly scalable and
reliable platform to compete with the best in the world.
Key Responsibilities
Basic unix/solaris server deployment, administration and maintenance
Monitoring and maintenance of the network infrastructure and hardware
Maintenance of software license and domain names
Hardware and Software Support for all office equipment
Knowledge of IT Best Practices and able to advise end-users or the company
IT system Documentations maintenance
Adapt and develop Web, Mobile and Telecommunication applications
Diploma or Degree in Computer Science or Electronics Engineering or
Information Technology
Minimum 2 years of linux/unix related working experience
Strong troubleshooting and analytical skills and ability to work on
technical issues
MySQL/PHP/Apache experience will be highly preferred
Possess creative ability, credibility, self-confidence and Independent
Good team player with strong analytical, communication, and
troubleshooting skills
Able to work under pressure and multi-tasking capabilities
Pro-active, dedicated, committed and responsible
Please send your resume to hr@infociti.
1. Current Monthly Salary
2. Expected Monthly Salary
3. Earliest Available Date
4. Reason For Leaving
5. Immigration Status
Diposting oleh
Label: Engineer, Various Position
Dibutuhkan : Supervisor Produksi Beton
Klien kami, sebuah perusahaan manufaktur terkemuka, saat ini membutuhkan
beberapa Supervisor Produksi beton.
dengan kualifikasi sbb:
1.Pria/25 - 40 th
2.Diploma Teknik Mesin/Teknik sipil/Teknik lainnya
3.Berpengalaman dalam produksi beton
Silahkan kirim cv dan resume ke resume@asiaresourci
Desi Mulyanti
Asia Resourcing
Diposting oleh
Label: Engineer
Several Vacancies at Toyota Astra Finance - TA Finance
PT. Toyota Astra Financial Services (TA Finance) is a joint venture between Toyota Financial Services Corporation (TFSC) and PT. Astra International Tbk (AI), whose relationship has spanned for over 30 years. Memorandum of Understanding was signed in October 2005, an initiative which aims to be the most preferred and ultimately, the only financing solution for Toyota vehicle ownership.
It has become our mission to be a valuable asset not only to our shareholders, but also our business partners /associates, to the customers, the country we are located in and its government, and finally to the community nationwide.
TA Finance put high values on professionalism in providing services, achieving excellence across all areas, good relation with business partners, and customer-focused. We also strive to provide service that is trouble – free, affordable, and accessible. Together with Toyota Astra Motor and Toyota Dealers, TA Finance providers further assistance for Toyota customers in making their Toyota come true.
If you afraid to develop your career
1. Fleet Account Officer (FAO)
The incumbent will be responsible for creating corporate new account in order to achieve sales volume & good AR Quality, maintaining existing customer and exceed customer expectation to create a mutually beneficial relationship. As our liaison, you have to understand the needs and interests of the customers and adjust it with the conditions that can be provided by company, conduct a business potential analysis and measure market potential. You should have a great network and drive to achieve target, independent (self starter), able to work a long with others, strong communications skill, literate in English (and mandarin as an added value).
2. Market Risk Officer (MRO)
The incumbent will be responsible to design and implement market risk polices. It includes monitoring and controlling Portfolio Management and analyzing financial market condition which impacts to the current portfolio. Understanding market risk is preferred.
3. Marketing Communication & Promotions (MCP)
The incumbent will be responsible to design and implement marketing communication strategy, execute media plan and prepare marketing support materials (promotional items) in order to support marketing programs such as adobe Photoshop and macromedia Freehand as well as understanding marketing communication, branding & project management are preferred.
4. Accounting Officer (AO)
The incumbent will be responsible to manage accounting system in the company. It includes consultative roles for the user to manage our system. The incumbent should have an accounting degree.
5. IT Developer (IT Dev)
The incumbent will be responsible for designing, implementing and maintaining the Information Technology System effectively and efficiently. You should master in IT multi finance application and Back End system. Basic required IT application: MS SQL Server, ASP, and .net applications.
6. Organizational Officer (OD)
The incumbent will be an HR member and responsible to build, develop, and maintain our culture, organization and system of Human Resources. To Fill this position, you need o have strong interpersonal skill, innovative thinking as well as analytical thinking and have passion to be role model in building the culture.
7. Credit Analyst (CA)
The incumbent will be responsible for delegated authority that given by company by analyzing customer application of car leasing and give the best decision according to credit criteria, to procedure and risk policies. You should have a great analytical thinking, information seeking, self confidence and eagerness to learn about customer profile and industry.
8. Customer services Officer (CSO)
The incumbent will be responsible to serve our customer with delight services, specifically in consulting the leasing procedures, accepting customer complaint and finding the best way to solve the problem with superior consultative. You should have a great communication, ability to get along with others and ability to serve other (Helpful attitude).
General Requirements:
1. University degree with GPA min 3.2 not more than 26 years old.
2. Having an excellent drive to achieve target
3. Independent and having an eagerness to learn
4. Able to work along with others and good persuasive communication.
5. Great project management skill
6. Literate in English.
Please send your comprehensive resume in detail ( including your organization experience, & achievement in campus & working field), copies of your certificate & transcript, your latest photograph no later than March 03, 2008 to :
Sekretariat CDC FEUI
Gedung A lt. 3,FEUI
Kampus UI, Depok
Ph. 021- 7272425 ext. 142
Diposting oleh
Label: Accounting, Engineer, IT Worker, Marketing, Various Position
Our growing company in advertising and creative industry, looking for these position :
1. Finance Manager (FM)
2. Account Executive (AE)
With these requirements :
- male or female
- min 2 years experiences in the same field
- min S1Degree (preferably from economic and/or accounting)
- min GPA 3.0
- max 30 years old
- excellent understanding for tax rules
- honestly, conscientiously and able to work under pressure
- female
- min S1 degree from any major
- min 2 years experiences in advertising industries
- excellent communication skills both oral and written
- client service & result oriented
- ability work independently on multiple projects
for interested candidates, please submit your resume with cover letter
to fabianus.wirawan@
Diposting oleh
Purchasing Section Chief
Perusahaan :
Pasuruan, Jawa Timur
Deskripsi Kerja :
1. Managing & Evaluating inventory system.
2. Managing & developing purchasing procedures related to materials/parts supplying and negotiation of pricing programs.
3. Managing vendor development
4. Working with Production, Engineering and PPIC personnel to ensure the expected quality of the material.
5. To review vendor performance regularly.
6. To evaluate & select qualified supplier to get the best pricing, accuracy of lead times and vendor responsibility.
7. Working with Engineering & Production personnel in new product development to identify and provide new materials and suppliers.
8. Managing localize material purchase.
Syarat-syarat :
1. S-1 graduated from reputable university, majoring in industrial engineering, electronic/electrical, mechanical, chemical engineering or economic.
2. Age maximum 35 years.
3. Working experience in Purchasing function from reputable manufacturing companies at least 5 years and experience in the supervisory level position at least 3 years.
4. Strong experience in raw material buying (Local & Import) and familiar in import process
5. Familiar with the quality system, production plan and inventory control as part of supply chain process.
6. Having strong negotiation skill to get the best price and posses high sense of analytical in cost reduction program.
7. Willing to take selection process & live in Pasuruan area
Jurusan :
Semua Jurusan
Pengalaman :
3-5 tahun
Fasilitas :
Gaji :
Not described
Informasi Tambahan :
Jumlah posisi :
Penempatan :
Pasuruan Jawa Timur
Syarat Umum :
Not described
Diposting oleh
Label: Engineer
Urgently Required: Secretary
Our Client (BUMN), recently seeking for a young and talented motivated candidates for the Sectretary position.
- Female, 23 - 30 years old
- Good Looking
- Graduated from D3 Secretary
- Experience 1-2 years as Secretary Director
- English active
- Moslem
- Can do: Filling, Accounting, Scheduling
- Lived in West Jakarta (Preferred)
Should you believe that you find the requirement above, please do not hesistate to send your complete CV including your recent photograph to :
Subject : Code to Agnes
Diposting oleh
Account Executive in educational institution ( Fresh Graduated)
Our Client, one of the leaing Educational Institution is currently seeking for a young dymanic personal for the position of :
Account Executive ( AE)
General Requirement :
a.. Preferably Female, Max 28 years old
b.. Holding min bachelor degree from any major
c.. Required at least 1 years experience in sales / marketing
d.. Highly motivated, willing to work hard and under pressure
e.. Good team player & goal oriented
Salary Offered :
Basic : Rp 1,5 Million - Rp 3 Million ( Based on requirement)
Should you believe that you find the requirement above, please do not hesistate to send your complete CV including your recent photograph to :
Subject : AE to Ratih
Diposting oleh
Label: Education, Fresh Graduate, Marketing
Senior Engineer in Foreign company
Our Client, a well known foreign company based in UK is recentlr seeking for a high qualified personal for the position of :
Senior Engineer ( SEN)
General Requirement :
a.. Male , Max 42 years old
b.. Holding minimun Bachelor degree in Engineering ( Mechanical, Electrical, Chemistry, Physics, Electronics, Material Science) from reputable university
c.. Fluently communicate in English ( British) & Mandarin
d.. Deep knowlegde on analytical thinking, numerical skill, and good team player
e.. Strong commitment to the company, Willing to be located in Overseas ( Willing to travel)
f.. Minimum 6 years experience 6 years experience in similar field.( Operating the high end machine)
Should you believe that you find the requirement above, please do not hesistate to send your complete CV including your recent photograph to :
Subject : SEN to Ratih
Diposting oleh
Label: Engineer
Comben Specialist (MERCER) in Multinational FMCG Company
Our Client, one of the most prestigious multinational FMCG Company is recently seeking for a high dynamic professional for the position of :
Compensation & Benefit Manager ( COM)
General Requirement :
a.. Male/ Female, Max 35 years old
b.. Holding Min Bachelor Degree in Psychology from reputable University
c.. Minimum 5 years of experience in the same position ( Compensation & Benefit Manager)
d.. Expertise in handling the Compensation & Benefit of the employee, Company Regulation & SOP is a must
e.. Handly in Industrial Relation , posess strong ability in MERCER System
f.. Preferably from FMCG Company
Should you believe that you find the requirement above, please do not hesistate to send your complete CV including your recent photograph to :
Subject : COM to Ratih
Diposting oleh
Label: Manager
Senior Operation Engineer
Our Client, a well known foreign company based in UK is recently seeking for a high qualified personal for the position of :
Senior Operation Engineer ( SEN)
Job Responsibility :
a.. Be the link between factories, the owner & the company
b.. Maintain the machines so that they could operate without unplanned down-time
c.. Maintain the supply of consumerables to the machines
d.. Monitoring & reporting to the company where the machines are based
e.. Help to install & maintain the machines in the far east
General Requirement :
a.. Male, 33 - 45 years old
b.. Engineering Background from reputable university or overseas graduated
c.. Min 7 years of experience in similar field
d.. Good interpersonal relationship, communication & good team player
e.. Fluently communicate in English ( UK ) & mandarin is a plus point
f.. Deep knowlegde on analytical thinking, numerical skill, and logic of verbal
g.. Strong commitment to the company, Willing to be located in Overseas ( Willing to travel)
Should you believe that you find the requirement above, please do not hesistate to send your complete CV including your recent photograph to :
Subject : SEN to Ratih
Diposting oleh
Label: Engineer
SAP Consultant
S1 Degree majoring IT, graduated from reputable university
Consultants must have hands on experience in business process
reengineering, systems design, configuration and implementation of SAP
system for a wide range of industries
Hands on experience in SAP configuration and completed at least 1 full
project cycle
Familiar with ERP Package Implementation Methodology
Having SAP Basis implementation experience for at least 1 or 2 project
cycles for UNIX and NT platforms (SAP-BASIS)
Hands on experience on translates functional requirements into SAP
technical requirements (SAP-ABAP).
Hands on experience in maintain and develop SAP ABAP programs,
Strong leadership and ability to work under pressure.
Analytical and excellence problem-solving skills.
kirim CV ke recruitment@
Diposting oleh
Label: Consultant, IT Worker
Finance, Marketing Manager in Foreign roofing Company
Our Clients,a foreign manufacturing roofing company located in south Jakarta is recently seeiking for a high dymanic personal to join their success team for the position of :
Marketing Manager (MM)
General Requirement :
a.. Male/ Female, Max 37 years old
b.. Holding bachelor degree from Management, Marketing, Architecture or Engineering from reputable University
c.. Min 3-4 years experience in the same position
d.. Experienced in MNC (Multinational Company)
e.. Fluently communicate in English
Cost Controller ( CCL)
General Requirement :
a.. Male, Max 35 years old
b.. Holding Bachelor degree in Accounting / Finance
c.. Min 2 years experience in the same position
d.. Fluently communicate in English
e.. Strong ability in ACCPACC System
Product Specialist (PS)
Technical Engineer (TE)
General Requirement :
a.. Male, Max 35 years old
b.. Holding Bachelor degree in Architecture
c.. Min 2 years experience in the same poasition
d.. Fluently communicate in English
Should you believe that you find the requirement above, please do not hesistate to send your complete CV including your recent photograph to :
Subject : MM to Ratih / CCL to Ratih / PS to Ratih / TE to Ratih
Thank you very much for your kind attention and good luck!!
Diposting oleh
Label: Accounting, Manager
Finance, Marketing Manager in Foreign roofing Company,
Our Clients,a foreign manufacturing roofing company located in south Jakarta is recently seeiking for a high dymanic personal to join their success team for the position of :
Marketing Manager (MM)
General Requirement :
a.. Male/ Female, Max 37 years old
b.. Holding bachelor degree from Management, Marketing, Architecture or Engineering from reputable University
c.. Min 3-4 years experience in the same position
d.. Experienced in MNC (Multinational Company)
e.. Fluently communicate in English
Cost Controller ( CCL)
General Requirement :
a.. Male, Max 35 years old
b.. Holding Bachelor degree in Accounting / Finance
c.. Min 2 years experience in the same position
d.. Fluently communicate in English
e.. Strong ability in ACCPACC System
Product Specialist (PS)
Technical Engineer (TE)
General Requirement :
a.. Male, Max 35 years old
b.. Holding Bachelor degree in Architecture
c.. Min 2 years experience in the same poasition
d.. Fluently communicate in English
Should you believe that you find the requirement above, please do not hesistate to send your complete CV including your recent photograph to :
Subject : MM to Ratih / CCL to Ratih / PS to Ratih / TE to Ratih
Thank you very much for your kind attention and good luck!!
Best Regards,
Ratih EsM
JETS House
Jl. Ampera Raya no.5 (North End)
Pejaten Barat
Jakarta 12510
PH : +61.21.7179.
Email : recruits@bss.
Attention : Ratih.
Diposting oleh
Label: Manager
Vacancy - Engineers in Huawei Tech Investment
Our Client, Huawei Tech Investment,http://www.huawei.
networks. The company is committed to providing innovative and customized
products, services and solutions to create long-term value and potential
growth for its customers. This company is seeking people to fill in
positions with following experiences and skills :
Senior Project Manager (SPM)
Manage teams to make Huawei equipment on air (in service) on time and to
fulfill customer requirements so to maintain the customer satisfaction,
collect customer payment, minimize the cost of the project implementation.
Microwave Implementation Engineer (MIE)
Microwave Planning Engineer (MPE)
Hands-on knowledge and experience in the fundamentals of microwave
transmission systems, areas and tools of network planning and installation,
testing and commissioning. Conduct site surveys to ensure the selected areas
meet the requirements of the client. Provide support to the marketing
department on microwave transmission related issues.
CME Engineer (CME)
Responsible for a civil work of BTS construction to meet the customer
requirements. Set objectives, structure and to organize work groups
(Engineers) as well to update the implementation program. Perform an
internal site audit.
SITAC Coordinator (SITAC)
The responsibility is to ensure the land acquisition process with the local
citizen and district government regulations in accordance to support
smoothes of project implementation
General Qualification :
* S1 degree in related faculty
* Fluent in English
* Minimum 3 years working experience in telecom industry
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an
attachment in MS Word Format only in English with current & expected salary
and recent photograph to: telco@sintesa-
Please put the position applied SPM / MIE / MPE / CME / SITAC on the
subject line. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit or website at
Diposting oleh
Label: Various Position
Vacant position for our school
The Singapore International School (SIS) and its affiliated schools under the distinctive name “ Singapore School ” (SIS) is working in cooperation with the International Finance Corporation (member of the World Bank Group) in a mission to “bring quality education to all.” Set up in 1996 in Jakarta , Indonesia , SIS has today more than 8(eight) campuses in Indonesia and is looking to expand within Indonesia . Each school provides the unique SIS curriculum which is modeled after the reputed Singapore education system but taught in an international environment. The focus of the SIS curriculum, which is taught in English, is to provide the core knowledge and skills to create a culture of learning throughout the lives of our students. Classes range from early childhood to primary, secondary and pre-university levels. Examinations include the Cambridge IGCSE and International A levels.
With current expansion plans, we are in need of:
Parent Relations & Marketing Director
General Requirements:
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field
Required skill(s): Marketing Strategy, Business Development
Preferred skill(s): Hospitality, Promotions
Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia (Mandarin is preferable)
At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required
Applicants must be willing to travel
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status
Preferably Senior Management specializing in Marketing/
Business Development or equivalent
Full-Time positions available
Please kindly send your detail CV, including your photo,
current &expected salary, to jpm@sisjakarta.
All applications will be treated with the utmost
confidentiality and only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Diposting oleh
Label: Education
Vacancy - Project Director (Managed Service) in Huawei Tech
Our Client, Huawei Tech Investment, http://www.huawei.
networks. The company is committed to providing innovative and customized
products, services and solutions to create long-term value and potential
growth for its customers. This company is seeking people to fill in
positions with following experiences and skills :
Project Director - Managed Service ( PD - MS )
* Have a University education on M.Sc. level within Telecommunication,
Information Technology and Electronics or similar.
* Total of over 10 yrs experience in Telecom Operations with a minimum
of 5-10 years experience in a Senior Network Operation Management position.
* Over 2 yrs experience of working in Senior level Managed Services
environment either with Operator or with Vendor
* Proven record in leading large Operational organizations
* Fluent in written and spoken English
Job Description
* The Operation Project Director will lead the Indonesia Managed
Service Operations and will be the main interface towards clients served by
the Managed Services.
* Define Managed Services organization goals and priorities.
* The Operation Project Director is the main driver and facilitator
for improvements within the Managed Services department and is to take full
responsibility for all managed network / projects and its organization
(Field Operations, Network operations Centre and Back Office etc.
* Ensure that budget and profitability is managed for the Managed
* Ensure that work is co-ordination with Managed Services managers to
achieve business goals with economy of scale solutions or utilization of
Huawei global resources, supplier/ partners.
* Ensure that the Managed Services department is adequately staffed
and that key positions at the Managed Services are delegate to the personnel
with adequate training and skills to perform the task.
* Define / negotiate service supply contracts with customer.
* Responsible for meeting the Managed Services Sales target for the
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an
attachment in MS Word Format only in English with current & expected salary
and recent photograph to: telco@sintesa-
Please put the position applied PD - MS on the subject line. Only short
listed candidates will be notified.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit or website at
Diposting oleh
Label: Manager
PT. PANN (Persero) sebuah perusahaan pembiayaan (leasing company), saat ini membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga muda dengan motivasi tinggi yang ingin mengembangkan diri, untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:
Pria, Sarjana Ekonomi, jurusan Akuntansi (diutamakan), TOEFL min 500 (diutamakan), usia maks. 27 tahun - STAFF BAGIAN PEMBUKUAN & ANALISA KEUANGAN (Kode: KEU)
Pria, D-3 Jurusan Akuntansi, menguasai Brevet A + B (diutamakan), memiliki pengalaman kerja min. 3 tahun (diutamakan), usia maks. 27 tahun
Persyaratan Umum:
- IPK min. 3,00
- Dapat berbahasa Inggris (lisan maupun tulisan)
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik (MS Office, Excel, Power Point)
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap anda (CV - cantumkan status/tinggi&berat badan, pas foto terbaru 3x4 sebanyak 1 lembar berwarna, foto copy KTP terbaru, fotocopy Ijazah terakhir teregalisir), paling lambat diterima tanggal 29 Februari 2008, ke:
Tuliskan kode posisi yang dilamar di sudut kiri atas amplop. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan kami yang akan diproses.
Diposting oleh
Label: Accounting, Marketing
Urgent Vacancy - TS Staff
We are a leader in the Furniture Retail and Interior Consultant Company.
Due to our rapid growth, we are looking for highly motivated, committed,
and qualified person to fill the position of:
*/The requirements are as follows :/*
* Male, min. 24 years old
* D3 from Computer Science or other related majors
* /At least 1 year experience as Technical Support, network administrator, installation and many more/**//*
* Dynamic, honest, responsible, and willingness to work under
pressure and long hours with deadline*//*
* Able to work independently, good sense of responsibility *//*
* Able to work properly in under pressure situation*//
* */Fluent in English and or Mandarin/*
If you meet these qualifications and are committed to quality without
compromise, please email your full resume and recent photograph at:
Diposting oleh
Label: IT Worker
Urgently required : Programmer ASP.net
PT. Enerren Technologies, an IT consultant company, is recently seeking for a suitable candidate to fill in vacant position as:
With general requirements as follows:
Bachelor degree of Information & Technology and, or another related discipline
1 – 2 years of working experience
Familiar with tools such as ASP.NET
Well adapt, communicative, and fast learner
Able working under pressure
Should you meet the above requirements, please submit your complete CV, expected sallary, current photograph to :
Find us at : www.enerren.
Diposting oleh
Label: IT Worker
Automotive vacancy
Our client, Multinational Company (Automobile)
· Bachelor Degree, age below 40 years old
· Experienced, highly confident and capable of working with branch office or main dealers of automotive
· At least 5 years experience in similar role as National Sales Manager in automotive or electronic/FMCG
· Highly caliber and experienced develop sales strategy to support main dealer
· Able to lead team of sales
· Good knowledge in dealing with automotive business/market
· Result oriented, independent, with strong communication skills
· Willing to travel as part of its duty
· Other conditions will follow as in the job specification
· Report to CFO and direct report by Finance & Account Officer
· Managing day to day Finance & Account Activity, prepare and control budget, company asset, banks, etc. related to the Finance & Account Function
· Male/Female, around 30 years old
· Graduate from reputable university in Finance/ Account
· Should be a qualified accountant (USAP or BAP)
· SAP knowledge is most desirable
· Have about 3 to 5 years experience (indicative)
· Willing to work hard and go extra mile
· Young and motivated
§ Male, S1 Degree any major
§ Min 3 – 5 years experiences in Ad & Promotion for handling consumer goods brand, (automotive preferred)
§ Experience in Marketing Communication, Brand Manager, Advertising Agency
§ Has ability to manage event/exhibition in large scale, advertising development and production (TVC, print, radio and cinema) based on project plan
§ Fluent in English
§ Male/Female, S1 Degree any major
§ 5 – 6 years experiences from Advertising Agency coordinating staff or Automotive Company, Marketing Dept Support Staff, Printing Technology or Basic Graduate.
§ Experience in executing development of promotion material, photo shooting for brochures, print ads
§ Basic knowledge of printing, photo shoot process for automotive products
§ Liaison and coordination with various vendors and dealers to produce and manage distribution of POP independently
Please drop CV to: iconwork.recruitmen
Details: www.iconwork.
Diposting oleh
Label: Accounting, Manager, Marketing, Sales, Various Position
New Vancany: GM HR
Our client is a big group of companies with over 84 subsidiaries in property, wood-based, trading and contracting, infrastructure and engineering, information and communication technologies (ICT), manufacturing, agribusiness, shoes and apparel and forestry industries. In line with their business expansion, currently they are seeking for a high caliber candidate to join their team as:
GM Human Resource
Job Descriptions:
Developing HR Strategic Plan to ensure the achievement of Group of Companies Vision and Mission
Formulate and implement appropriate regulations, policies, strategies and procedures to meet the requirement of the Top Management and the growth and profitability of the Company
Acting as an internal public relation agent which convey the direction and policy from the management to the employees properly
To enhance business process in Human Resources Department by means of using new technology and latest suitable system of management
Working closely with other team member within group of companies as well as other colleagues within the Human Resources Department
Maintaining good relationship with government and or regulatory bodies also other institutions necessarily related to the company
Handling other miscellaneous or special Task from Top Management
Having 10 years experience in human resources area
Strong leadership, organizational and interpersonal skills
Has strong labor regulations knowledge, sound analytical & problem solving skills
A self-starter, strong team work skills, resourceful and flexibility to cope with shifting priorities, manage multiple tasks simultaneously
Hard worker, self motivated, fast learner, highly initiative, honest
Interested candidates please submit your CV to wahyu@auditsi.
Diposting oleh
Label: HR
Vac: Automotive Company
Our client, Japanese Company is looking urgently for position:
§ Male, age 23 -29 years old
§ Having basic IT knowledge and skills
§ Fluent in English
§ Ability to communicate in Nihongo is a plus
§ Mastering PC both in hardware and software
§ Must have IP Protocol knowledge
§ Good attitude, team player, and healthy
§ Willing to work in a flexible time limit
§ Should have working experience in Japanese environment
Please drop CV to: iconwork.recruitmen
Details: www.iconwork.
Diposting oleh
Dibutuhkan segera Reception pria .
PT , Sentra Kualitas Nusapala,perusahaan Jasa /pelatihan , saat ini membutuhkan beberapa Reception pria untuk ditempatkan di Perusahaan telekomunikasi yang berada didaerah Tanah abang Jakarta Indonesia.
Kesempatan yang baik sekali bagi karir kaum muda Indonesia khususnya yang berkemampuan dan berpengalaman di reception. !
ร Usia Maksimal 29 tahun
ร Pendidikan minimal D3 ,berpenampilan menarik
ร Terampil Bahasa Inggris (guna mengenali petunjuk/referensi dlm bhs inggris)
ร Dapat mengoprasikan Ms. Office (word, excel, dll.)
ร Mempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi dan human relation yang baik.
email ke : Kahlil44@yahoo.
kebutuhan secepatnya.
Diposting oleh
Label: Public Relation
TECH OIL INTERNATIONAL membuka peluang karir dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
- min. 5 tahun pengalaman kerja
- Information Technology
- Telecommunication
- Accountancy
- Management
- Accountancy
- Secretaries
- Management
- Commercial Law
- Civil Law
Kualifikasi umum:
- Min S1, dengan IPK min. 2,75
- Single, Laki-laki, kecuali OA Secretary: Wanita
- Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun pada posisi yang sama, kecuali GO & LG
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris baik tulis maupun lisan
- Usia 25-35 tahun
- Surat lamaran ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris
- Mampu bekerja keras dan bekerja dalam tim
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta dan beberapa kota lainnya
- Sertakan foto terbaru dan gaji minimal yang di harapkan
Kirimkan Surat Lamaran dengan menulis Kode Posisi Pekerjaan di sudut kanan amplop. Kirim ke:
Diposting oleh
Label: Accounting, adm staff, Engineer, Legal, Oil and Gas, Various Position
Vacancy - Psikolog di SINTESA Resourcing
SINTESA Resourcing, http://www.sintesa-
Consultant for Assessment ( CONS - ASS )
Kualifikasi :
ร Lulus Profesi Psikologi, dari universitas ternama
ร Memahami & mampu menggunakan alat-alat tes psikologi
ร Mampu membuat laporan psikologis & laporan Assessment Center
ร Mampu bekerja di dalam tim
ร Bersedia mempelajari metode baru dalam bidang psikologi
ร Mampu berbahasa Inggris
ร Punya pengalaman di bidang psikologi industri (lebih diutamakan)
ร Mampu mengerjakan beragam tugas dalam satu waktu (multitasking)
ร Mampu mengelola project
Kandidat diharapkan untuk mengirimkan cv lengkap dalam format MS Word
beserta foto terbaru dengan mencantumkan gaji terakhir serta gaji yang
diharapkan melalui e-mail : mellia@sintesa-
SINTESA Resourcing
Graha Atrium, 6th Floor, Suite 6.02B
Jl. Senen Raya 135
Jakarta 10320
Cantumkan posisi CONS-ASS pada subject e-mail. Hanya kandidat yang
memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dihubungi lebih lanjut.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit or website at
Diposting oleh
Label: HR
Vacancy for Senior Finance and Accounting Manager
Hickling Corporation is a public sector management consultant firm based in
Jakarta and is currently undertaking the Governance Reform Support Project
(GRS Project) funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
working in cooperation with Bappenas and other central and regional
government agencies.
We are seeking a candidate to fill the position of Finance and Accounting
Manager to support the project in managing corporate accounts and contracts
with the following *job description*
§ Oversee day-to-day activities of the accounting function
§ Control all office expenditures
§ Assist in the development of office procedures as required with
respect to disbursement, subcontractor invoicing instruction or any other
bookkeeping related function
§ Provide financial orientation to employee and sub contractors
§ Provide assistance in auditing process
§ Contributes to the project's annual workplan and progress report
§ The Finance and Accounting Manager will report to and will be
supervised by the Hickling Asia Corp. Partner assigned to head the Hickling
Jakarta Office and Hickling Vice President (Finance).
§ Recognized degree in accounting/finance or related field
§ Good knowledge of human resources laws, local rules and
§ Familiar with general system of international donors
§ Minimum 10 years of management experience
§ Computer savvy especially in MS Office
§ Experience managing large project budgets using Excel
§ Applied accounting experience with accounting software –
QuickBooks preferred
§ Proficient in English
§ Able to work effectively with people, able to work under pressure
and meet deadlines, good interpersonal relationship, flexible and proactive
Compensation will be provided based on the candidate's experience.
Please submit your resume and cover letter by e-mail to:
short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Diposting oleh
Label: NGO
ACTED Vacancy for Agronomist Consultant, Deputy Agriculture Manager
ACTED presentation:
ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development) is an apolitical
and non-confessional international relief agency created in Afghanistan. As
of today, ACTED is active on 4 continents and in 20 countries.
The organization employs approximately 100 international staff and more than
2000 national staff. The organization headquarter is located in Paris
ACTED develops about 150 projects a year in such diversified activities as
Emergency Relief, Food Security, Health Promotion Network, Economic
Development, Education and training, Microfinance, Advocacy - Institutional
Support and Regional Dialogue, and Cultural promotion.
ACTED's "livelihood recovery program" in Lahewa, north Nias:
The focus of this 18 months project (January 2008 to June 2009) is
intervention in rice, vegetable and fisheries market whilst conducting
awareness campaigns and implementing simple productivity improvement in the
rubber and cacao plantations.
We will address the following key problems:
1) Food security and livelihood needs:
ACTED's project will support the government initiative to improve rice
production. We will also promote the growing of vegetable crops to improve
food security and provide a livelihood strategy by encouraging the marketing
of vegetables and rice.
2) Fishing sector affected by the tsunami, earthquake and fuel price:
ACTED will rebuild the capacity of the fishing industry through the
provision of eighty vessels. We will further re-build the capacity of the
industry through the provision of training in safety at sea, sustainable
fishing practices and fish-process technology
3) Inappropriate rubber and cacao planting and multi-cropping:
ACTED will conduct an awareness campaign giving plantation farmers the
information required to make informed decisions regarding appropriate crops
and planting techniques. In addition, we will provide training on simple
productivity and quality improvements.
ACTED is currently looking for qualified national staff to fill the below
Position :
1. Position : Agronomist Consultant
Department : Program
Person in Charge : Project Manager
Base : Lahewa, Nias, Indonesia
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 2 to 3 consultancy missions
(total of 2 to 3 months) between March 2008 and April 2009
Responsibilities :
The Agronomist consultant will be responsible for :
- Design a baseline survey of the agricultural population targeted
(24 communities) to identify the agricultural livelihood strategies and
efficiency (by identifying the types of crops, their suitability, their
level of potential improvement, the solutions to improve them, their
potential source of incomes) :
- Design an agricultural and fishering Knowledge Attitude and Practice survey.
- Assist the project management team in desiging a strategy to guaranty the sustainability of the Self-Help Groups (SHG) and Representative Community Councils (RCCs) selected and trained in the community.
- Assist the project management team in desiging in anticipating
the possible tensions due to the selection of beneficiaries among the
community Vulnerable Individual (VI) and come up with strategic solutions.
- In coordinataion with the Deputy Agriculture Project Manager
design the rice aspect strategy based on the assessment results: improvement
of the production through training, distribution of high-quility inputs and
creation of demonstration plots.
- In coordinataion with the Deputy Agriculture Project Manager
design the vegetable aspect strategy: improvement of the production through
training, distribution of high-quility inputs and creation of demonstration
- In coordinataion with the Deputy Agriculture Project Manager
design the plantations aspect (coconut, rubber, and cacao) strategy:
improvement of the production through individual training on the field.
- In coordinataion with the Deputy Agriculture Project Manager,
design the training of Agriculture Trainers (rice, vegies, plantation)
- In coordinataion with the Deputy Agriculture Project Manager,
design the agricultural training materials and other Visual Aid Materials
- Identify new activities related to agriculture, livestock,
extension services, food security community development.
The Agronomist consultant reffers to the Agriculture Project Manager.
Qualifications required :
- Agricultural studies + minimum of 5 years of professional experience
in agricultural development projects.
- Excellent knowledge in rice's culture, vegetable growing, rubber and
cacao crops.
- To be familiar with the design and implementation of a baseline
survey to assess a rural community livelihoods strategy.
- To be familiar with the value chain analysis.
- To be familiar with community-held projects and capacity building
methodology for committee in a rural context.
- Good working knowledge in English.
- Good computer skills.
- Organisational skills.
- Flexibility.
- Autonomy.
- To be familiar with our code of conduct, right-base and do-no-harm approach
- Knowledge of Nias a plus.
Consultant status.
Salary depending on experience.
Based in Lahewa, north Nias.
Full time employed in March (full month) to support the initial assessment
and strategies design (an absolute requirement)
missions to be planed between April 2008 and April 2009.
Accommodation, transportation and food ensured by ACTED.
2. Position : Deputy agriculture project Manager
Department : Program
Person in Charge : Project Manager
Base : Lahewa, Nias, Indonesia
Sarting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
Responsibilities :
The Deputy Agriculture Programme Manager will be responsible for :
- Do a deeper technical assessment of the agricultural population's
needs targeted (24 communities) via a baseline survey and a Knowledge
Attitude and Practice survey
- Create Self-Help Groups (SHG) and identify the Extremely
Vunerable Individuals (EVI) inside the communities, in collaboration with
the Community mobilisation manager,
- Supervise the capacity building program of the SHG and EVI and
supervise the production of training materials and the distribution of
- Manage and supervise the implementation of the Rice aspect of the
program: improvement of the production through training and distribution of
high-quility inputs
- Manage and supervise the implementation of the Vegetable aspect:
improvement of the production through training, distribution of high-quility
inputs and creation of demonstration plots.
- Manage and supervise the implementation of the Plantations aspect
(coconut, rubber, and cacao): improvement of the production through
individual training on the field.
- Ensure an effective community participation together with the
community mobilisation manager
- Manage a team of around 20 local staff.
- Work in close collaboration with the Fishery Program manager
throughout the project
- Ensure a continuous training to the team under his/her
responisbility, and especially the Agriculture Trainers (rice, vegies,
- Identify new activities related to agriculture, livestock,
extension services, food security community development and coordinate their
The Deputy Agriculture Programme Manager reffers to the Agriculture
Programme Manager.
Qualifications required :
- Agricultural studies + 2 years of professional experience in
agricultural development projects.
- Good knowledge in rice's culture, vegetable growing, rubber and
cacao crops.
- To be familiar with the design and implementation of a baseline
survey to assess a rural community livelihoods strategy.
- To be familiar with the value chain analysis.
- To be familiar with community-held projects and capacity building
methodology for committee (especially in a rural context).
- To be familiar with our code of conduct, right-base and do-no-harm
- Good working knowledge in English.
- Management skills.
- Good computer skills.
- Organisational skills.
- Flexibility.
- Autonomy.
- Motivation for staying in a remote rural area.
- Knowledge of Nias a plus.
Salaried status.
Salary depending on experience.
Starting in March an absolute requirement
Based in Lahewa, north Nias.
Accommodation, transportation and food ensured by ACTED.
3. Position : Training Manager
Department : Program
Person In charge : Assistant Project Manager
Location : Field of intervention
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
The Training Manager's responsibilities include:
A. Management
* To train the community mobilization team in line with the community
mobilization strategy in collaboration with the Community mobiisation
* To manage the training schedule of the Community Mobilizers in
collaboration with the Community mobiisation manager
* To train and manage the Self Help Groups (SHG) Trainers
* To train the Agricultural Trainers
B. Training
* To develop, in collaboration with the Project Management and the
Community Mobilizer Manager a practical action plan and strategy for
community mobilization around the needs of the program, with particular
emphasis on committee training, capacity building and empowerment of local
communities and females
* To design the Representative Community Council (RCC) training
* To assist the Community Mobilization Manager in the RCC nomination
* To design the SHG training strategy
* To assist the Community Mobilization Manager in the SHG nomination
* In collaboration with the Assistant Project Manager, to design the
Agricultural Training strategy
* To design practical tools and Visual Aid Materials (VAMs) for
training of the RCCs, the SHGs and the farmers
* To provide training on the ICRC code of conduct, right based,
do-no-harm and the goals approach for ACTED field staff
* To ensure the timely implementation of the trainings
* To provide follow-up on the training and refresher courses where
* To ensure cross-program integration, learning, sharing and adoption
of training best practices from other ACTED regional programs
C. Reporting:
* To develop a format for weekly reporting on training progress
* To report to the Project Manager on a weekly basis, including in
written form when requested
Salaried status.
Salary depending on experience.
Based in Lahewa, north Nias.
Accommodation, transportation and food ensured by ACTED.
4. Position : Agricultural Plantation Trainer
Department : Program
Person In charge : Deputy Project Manager
Location : Lahewa, Nias
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
Under the overall supervision of the Deputy Agriculture Project Manager and
in coordination with other team members, the Agricultural plantation
. Be accountable with the local community and ensure a permanent
good working relation between ACTED and local community
. Inform the local community about ACTED's "Nias livelihood recovery
project" goals regarding the plantation training
. Coordinate with the Representative community Council (RCC) to
follow the identification of the 3 demonstration plantation plots per
village: for cacao, rubber and Coconut
. Support the collection of agricultural data during the assessment
. Report to the program Management team any queries, expectations,
objections of the local community regarding the plantation training program;
maintain a peaceful and respectful relation between the RCCs, the Self Help
Groups (SHGs), the EVIs / Vulnerable Individuals and the rest of the
. Train the farmers interested (in simple productivity and quality
improvement techniques including tapping, pruning, wedding and crop
. Inform the project Management team about the efficiency and
relevancy of the booklet and visual aid material used during the plantation
. Be familiar with our code of conduct right-base and do-no-harm
Qualification required
* Experience in agricultural
* Or Experience in training
* Educational background in agriculture a plus
Position integrated in ACTED Program so, under the responsibility of the
Deputy Project Manager.
5. Position : Agricultural Rice Trainer
Department : Program
Person In charge : Deputy Project Manager
Location : Lahewa, Nias
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
Under the overall supervision of the Deputy Agriculture Project Manager and
in coordination with other team members, the Agricultural rice Trainer:
. Be accountable with the local community and ensure a permanent
good working relation between ACTED and local community
. Inform the local community about ACTED's "Nias livelihood recovery
project" goals regarding the rice training
. Coordinate with the Representative community Council (RCC) to
follow the identification of the 12 demonstration plots to be set up in the
rice growing area
. Report to the program Management team any queries, expectations,
objections of the local community regarding the rice training program;
maintain a peaceful and respectful relation between the RCCs, the Self Help
Groups (SHGs), the Extreme Vulnerable Individuals / Vulnerable Individuals
and the rest of the community
. Train the rice farmers (in pre/post harvesting techniques,
irrigation, use of organic fertilizer, environmentally friendly pest
control, seed quality)
. Inform the project Management team about the efficiency and
relevancy of the booklet and visual aid material used during the rice
. To inform the rice farmers about the SHG support and specific
training (high quality inputs suppliers, creation and management of group
savings / credit; marketing and business planning)
Position integrated in ACTED Program so, under the responsibility of the
Deputy Project Manager.
6. Position : Agricultural Vegetable Trainer
Department : Program
Person In charge : Deputy Project Manager
Location : Lahewa, Nias
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
Under the overall supervision of the Deputy Agriculture Project Manager and
in coordination with other team members, the Agricultural vegetable Trainer:
. Be familiar with ICRC code of conduct right-base and do-no-harm
. Be accountable with the local community and ensure a permanent
good working relation between ACTED and local community
. Inform the local community about ACTED's "Nias livelihood recovery
project" goals regarding the vegetable training
. Support the collection of agricultural data during the assessment
. Coordinate with the Representative community Council (RCC) to
follow the identification of the 72 demonstration plots to be set up in the
homes of the Extreme Vulnerable Individuals (EVIs)
. Report to the program Management team any queries, expectations,
objections of the local community regarding the vegetable training program;
maintain a peaceful and respectful relation between the RCCs, the Self Help
Groups (SHGs), the EVIs / Vulnerable Individuals and the rest of the
. Train the farmers interested in producing vegetable (in intensive
and organic cultivation techniques and on the value of adding vegetable and
fruit as a component of the daily diet)
. Inform the project Management team about the efficiency and
relevancy of the booklet and visual aid material used during the vegetable
. To inform the vegetable farmers about the SHG support and specific
training (high quality inputs suppliers, creation and management of group
savings / credit; marketing and business planning)
Qualification required
* Experience in agricultural
* Or Experience in training
* Educational background in agriculture a plus
Position integrated in ACTED Program so, under the responsibility of the
Deputy Project Manager.
7. Position : Self Help Group Trainer
Department : Program
Person In charge : Training Manager
Location : Lahewa, Nias
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
Under the overall supervision of the Deputy Agriculture Project Manager and
in coordination with other team members, the Self Help Group (SHG) Trainer:
. Be accountable with the local community and ensure a permanent
good working relation between ACTED and local community
. Inform the local community about ACTED's "Nias livelihood recovery
project" goals regarding the SHGs
. Coordinate with the Representative community Council (RCC) to
follow the identification of the Extreme Vulnerable individuals (EVIs) and
Vulnerable Individual (VIs)
. Coordinate with the Representative community Council (RCC) and the
Vulnerable Individual (VIs) to follow the nomination of the SHGs members
. Report to the program Management team any queries, expectations,
objections of the local community regarding the SHGs; maintain a peaceful
and respectful relation between the SHGs, the EVIs /VIs and the rest of the
. Train the SHGs in
1. basic organizational and accounting skills,
2. creation and management of group savings / credit;
3. marketing and business planning)
. Be familiar with ACTED code of conduct right-base and do-no-harm
Position integrated in ACTED Program so, under the responsibility of the
Deputy Project Manager
Qualification required
- Experience or educational background in Accounting
- Experience in community mobilization or training
8. Position : Community Mobilizer
Department : Program
Person In charge : Community Mobilizer Manager
Location : Lahewa, Nias
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
Under the overall supervision of the Project Manager and in coordination
with other team members, the Social Mobilizer will:
. Be familiar with our code of conduct right-base and do-no-harm
. Be accountable with the local community and ensure a permanent
good working relation between ACTED and local community
. Inform the local community about ACTED's "Nias livelihood recovery
project" goals
. Report to the Community Mobilizer Manager team any queries,
expectation, objection of the local community regarding the said project
. Maintain a peaceful and respectful relation between the SHGs, the
EVIs and the rest of the community
. To follow the creation of the Representative community Council
. Train the RCC (in their role in the project, organizational
issues, legislative issues)
. Support the RCC in the identification of the vulnerable
individuals (VI) and Extreme vulnerable individuals (EVI)
. Attend with RCC in meeting and forum related to the ACTED programs
in the targeted area
. Assist the Self Help Group (SHG) trainers if demanded
Position integrated in ACTED Program so, under the responsibility of the
Community Mobilizer Manager.
Qualification required (a plus)
Experience in community mobilization
9. Position : Community Mobilization Manager
Department : Program
Person In charge : Assistant Project Manager
Location : Field of intervention
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
The Community Mobilization Manager responsibilities include:
A. Management
* To manage the community mobilization team in line with the community
mobilization strategy;
B. Community Mobilization
. Ensure a full involvment and commitment of the
communities, of the RCCs (Representative community Council) and of the
Self-Help groups in the development process of the communities
. Be accountable with the local community and ensure a
permanent good working relation between ACTED and local community
. Inform the local community about ACTED's "Nias
livelihood recovery project" goals
. Report to the Community Mobilizer Manager team any
queries, expectation, objection of the local community regarding the said
. Maintain a peaceful and respectful relation between the
SHGs, the EVIs and the rest of the community
. To be familiar with ICRC code of conduct right-base and do-no-harm
. To develop, in collaboration with the Program Management and the
Training Manager a practical action plan and strategy for community
mobilization around the needs of the program, with particular emphasis on
committee training, capacity building and empowerment of local communities
and females
. To be accountable with the local community and ensure a permanent
good working relation between ACTED and local community
. To design the RCC nomination strategy
. To assist the Training Manager in the RCC training strategy
. To design the SHG nomination strategy and assist the RCC during the
SHG nomination
. To assist the Training Manager in the SHG training strategy
. To ensure the timely implementation of the community mobilization
. To ensure cross-program integration, learning, sharing and adoption
of best practices in community mobilization from other ACTED regional
. Be familiar with our code of conduct right-base and do-no-harm
C. Reporting:
* To develop a format for weekly reporting on community mobilization
* To report to the Project Manager and Coordination on a weekly basis,
including in written form when requested
Salaried status.
Salary depending on experience.
Based in Lahewa, north Nias.
Accommodation, transportation and food ensured by ACTED.
10. Position : Appraisal Monitoring Evaluation Unit
Department : AMEU
Person In charge : AMEU Manager
Location : Field of intervention
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
11. Position : Finance Officer
Department : Finance
Person In charge : Chief Finance Manager
Location : Lahewa & Moro'o Nias
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
12. Position : IT Officer
Department : Logistic
Person In charge : Logistic Manager
Location : Field of intervention
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
13. Position : Administration Assistant
Department : HR & Administration
Person In charge : HR & Administration Manager
Location : Gunungsitoli - Nias & Meulaboh
Starting : March 2008
Duration : 9 months renewable
To apply:
Please send your resume and cover letter in English:
Deadline for the application: February, 22.
The selected candidates will be interviewed in Medan on February, 28 or Nias
before March
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Label: NGO
HR & Admin Manager
Muslim Aid is an
international relief and development agency based in London with 21 years of experience in helping
to create a safer and more dignified life for disaster and conflict affected
people across the globe. We are currently operating in more than 60 countries. In Indonesia
our main programs include Flood mitigation, Shelter and Livelihoods with our
Field office based in Banda Aceh, and further sub-offices in Yogyakarta, Padang and Jakarta
Resources & Admin Manager (Based Banda Aceh)
The HR &
Admin Manager will help MAI in overall management of HR & Administration
services functions to ensure adherence to Muslim Aid policies and procedures
and delivery of timely and cost effective for the project. To strengthen Muslim Aids response on project
level through providing HR and administrative support and advice for the Field
office and Sub-offices. To develop
and implement HR and Admin strategies and plans for MAI. The HR & Admin Manager must work
creatively and on the basis of own initiative to develop innovative but
practical responses to issues as they arise. He/She must to ensure the
department keeps accurate records and that all-relevant information is promptly
entered on file and the admin database. Muslim
Aid is looking for a highly experienced,
motivated and hard working individual.
Qualifications & Experience:
a. At least university degree (management,
law, psychology or relevant).
b. A minimum 5 years relative
experience in HR and Administrative.
c. Has skills and experience in communication,
presentation, negotiation and interpersonal
d. Excellent change management and
project management.
Ability to maintain
confidentiality, Ability to work under
pressure to tight deadlines and adapt to change. Knowledge of employment law and budget
setting. Has good computer skills
including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint or similar; Report writing skills, Has
good communication and interpersonal skill. Good English is essential.
Indonesian language is essential. Ability to work under pressure situation and
with usual situation in community.
for applications on Friday, 29th February 2008
Applications should be
addressed to: Human Resource Department, Muslim Aid Banda Aceh 23116, or email hr_muslimaid.
letter, updated resume (CV), and two references which can testify to the candidate¢s
ability in above mentioned. Only short listed candidates will be
contacted. Muslim Aid is an equal
opportunities employer
Diposting oleh
Label: NGO
Vacancy in Oxfam GB - Jakarta
Spread the word,
Change lives.
Media & External Relations Officer
Jakarta, Indonesia
Oxfam works in over 80 countries and has been working in Indonesia for the last fifty years to overcome poverty and suffering. We run a number of programmes to lift people out of poverty, to help people affected by รข€˜human madeรข€™ and natural disasters such as flooding, earthquakes and drought and do campaigns to help voices of the poor heard. Weรข€™re now looking for someone with a background as a journalist, PR consultant or media officer to help our national campaigns unit and raise awareness of our valuable work.
Youรข€™ll achieve this objective in a number of ways. Building strong relationships and alliances with international, national, and local media across Indonesia, youรข€™ll develop a coherent media strategy while ensuring our key messages are clearly established and powerfully expressed. Youรข€™ll also build strong relationships with government, private sector, and NGOs.
Itรข€™s a rewarding challenge for a person who is fluent in both Bahasa and English, understands the issues involved, has a strong good-news sense and can bring a wide network of contacts with them.
To apply, please email your cover letter and CV, including recent photograph, to: jakarta@oxfam.
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Label: NGO
Field Logistics Officer - Canadian Red Cross
The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) is implementing a major community-based reconstruction and rehabilitation program with the primary focus on shelter construction project in Aceh Besar, Lamno, Calang and Nias for beneficiaries affected by Tsunami of December 26, 2004 and earthquake of March 28, 2005. We are also implementing Livelihoods, Environmental Health and Disaster Risk Reductions programs to help families and communities to improve their live quality. We are looking for qualified and committed candidates to fill the following position on a fixed term contract basis.
Field Logistics Officer (Ref Code: NIAS-FLO), 2 positions
Based in Lahewa, Nias
The Field Logistics Officer will assist Field Logistics Team Leader to carryout all Field Logistics tasks according to the CRC/ IFRC Logistics procedures in support of Canadian Red Cross operations in Nias.
Main responsibilities:
a.. Following CRC & Federation standard regarding receiving, distribution & warehouse procedures in the field and maintain records
b.. Carry out road assessments with the coordination of Field Logistics Team Leader and Fleet Officer.
c.. To ensure the correct receiving according to the distribution schedule & storage. Make sure the house kits are received in the right quantity and quality at the right place (dropping zone).
d.. Maintain security and safety procedures at all times
e.. Make sure to report on any missing, damaged or extra items to Field logistics team Leader daily basis.
f.. Process Request Orders on missing items on time
g.. Ensure to follow stock control procedures and maintain records at all times.
h.. Arrange pegging with the coordination of CEOs and monitor potering
i.. Organizing local labour for portering to ensure timely and efficient reception/ dispatch of goods from the Dropping Zone to sites
j.. Prepare and submit weekly/monthly stock/ receiving/ portering/ pegging reports to the Field Logistics Team Leader and to inform any change in the delivery schedule that affect the overall logistics operation.
k.. Liaise and maintain professional and timely communications with other functions within the delegation as well as with IFRC to ensure the timely reception and dispatch of goods from the warehouse(s)
l.. Liaise with the Federation and collaborate with them where appropriate.
m.. Follow CRC/ IFRC standard practices/ procedures on receiving & distribution in the field
n.. Follow and monitor daily distribution schedule & correct storage of the houses on the construction sites including security arrangements
o.. Maintain accurate Field Logistics stock control system and keep records at all times and advice Field Logistics Team Leader on any delivery issues that affect the overall logistics operation.
p.. Organizing local labour for portering to ensure timely and efficient reception/ dispatch of goods from the Dropping Zone to sites
q.. Liaise and maintain professional and timely communications with other functions within the delegation as well as with IFRC to ensure the timely reception and dispatch of goods from the warehouse(s)
r.. Liaise with the Federation and collaborate with them where appropriate.
s.. Ensure to maintain good professional working relationship with other departments, community members and villages etc.
t.. Ensure to report any obstructive issues that are related to Logistics operations in Nias
ร Good oral and written English
ร Good Communication and organising ability
ร Formal education up to secondary level
ร Self-supporting in computers (Word & Excel)
ร 1-2 years experience in Field work with humanitarian organizations.
Please Notice: Applications should be sent to recruitment.
HR Department
Canadian Red Cross - Indonesia
Red Cross Service Centre
Jl. Ajun Jeumpet no. 18 B
Aceh Besar 23353
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Label: NGO