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Selasa, Maret 18, 2008


Kami adalah perusahaan pengembang Kawasan properti dan Rekreasi terpadu yang mempunyai Visi menjadi yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara di tahun 2015, membutuhkan:

  1. Dokter Hewan (DRH)
  2. Staff Engineering (SE)
  3. Staf Keuangan (SK)
  4. Staff Desain (DN)

Persyaratan Umum:

  • Pendidikan :
    • DRH : Dokter hewan yang telah memiliki ijin praktek
    • SE : S1 Elektro Arus Lemah
    • SK : Diploma 3 Keuangan Pajak
    • DN : S1 Desain Grafis, Desain Interior, Desain Produk
  • Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
  • IPK 2,75 (skala 4)
  • Fasih berbahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan)

Lamaran disertai Curriculum Vitae, pas foto 4x6 (berwarna), copy ijazah (dilegalisir), copy transkrip nilai (dilegalisir), copy KTP/tanda pengenal.
Masukkan dalam amplop dan tulis kode di sebelah kiri atas. Kode berlaku juga untuk subjyek pengiriman via e-mail.
Dikirim sebelum tanggal 24 Maret 2008 ke CDC UGM atau ke:

Departemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Cordova Tower Lt. 4, Jl. Pasir Putih Raya Blok E5 Ancol, Jakarta Utara


Dalam rangka pengembangan jaringan Kantor Cabang Syariah, PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) membutuhkan tenaga untuk posisi sebagai berikut:

  • Accounmt Officer (AO)
  • Customer Service Officer (CSO)
  • Administration Officer (ADM)
  • Teller (TL)

Lamaran disampaikan dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang diinginkan pada sudut kiri atas amplop, dikirim melalui pos selambat-lambatnya tanggal 26 Maret 2008 (cap pos).

Informasi selengkapnya bisa dilihat di sini


TOUCH the Future

A Christian National Plus School (Pre K-12) with tihe IBO Diploma Programme (East Campus High School) are seeking professionals who desire to serve the Lord in our expanding educational institution.

Academic Staff for Pre-School / Kindergarten (PS)

  1. Class Teachers
  2. Assistant Teachers
  3. Subject Teachers (English, Mandarin, Computer)

Academic Staff for Elementary School, grade 1-6 (ES)

  1. Class Teachers
  2. Subject Teachers (English, Mandarin, Computer, Religion, Arts (Visual, Vocal, Dance, Drama, Music), Physical Education)

Academic Staff for Senior School, grade 7-12 (SS)

  1. Subject Teachers (Bahasa Indonesia, English, Mandarin, Biology, Physics, Humanities (Geography, History, Civics), Visual Arts, Business & Management)
  2. Vice Principal, IB Diploma Coordinator


  • Bachelor degree or higher from a reputable local or overseas university, English proficient, preferable with teaching experience (2 years)
  • Expatriates are welcome to apply

Send your application with the latest CV, a photograph, a copy of ID card, transcripts, other related certificates no later than 30 April 2008 to:

HRD Coordinator
Jl. Kejawen Putih Barat 28-30
Pakuwon City - Laguna Indah
Surabaya 60112
atau via email:

Job Vacancy @ PT eBdesk Indonesia

Logo Ebdesk

PT Ebdesk Indonesia was established in 1998, as a software company to develop Corporate Portal-Collaboration Tools, Work Flow, Knowledge Management & Document Management, based on Internet Technology. Our focus gives us strength to produce proven product with continuous development to stay ahead of the technology change and trend. We are among the first corporation to develop corporate portal, as corporate portal itself was a new concept when we started.


IT - Developer

This position is a non-permanent position (contract base), with possibility for upgrading to permanent employment. The incumbent will be stationed in Jakarta at our client’s office.
  • University graduate majoring in Computer Engineering/Information Technology.
  • Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
  • Have extensive knowledge on PHP or C/C++ programming language.
  • Able to develop program on Linux/Windows (esp. CGI programming).
  • Good knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.
  • Possess strong skills in Relational Data Bases and SQL.
  • Highly motivated and able to work in team.
  • Fast learner.
  • Good command in English (verbal and written)

Please submit your application with CV, Copies of certificate and recent photo within 2 (two) weeks to :
HRD - PT Ebdesk Indonesia
Jl. Wahid Hasyim No.2 Lt.3, Menteng - Jakarta Pusat 10340
Attn: Ms. Kristina

Or via email :

Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up. Kindly put the position as Subject e-mail

until 31 March 2008


PT. Asuransi Sinar Mas membutuhkan :
1. Pria
2. Usia maks. 27 tahun
3. S1 Ekonomi/IT
4. IPK Min 3.00
5. Memiliki Sim A & C
6. Komunikatif
7. Jujur, ulet dan bertanggung jawab
8. Berorientasi target
9. Menguasai MS. Word, Excel, Internet, Intranet dan bahasa inggris.
Kirim ke :
Komp. Nirmala Estate Kav. 7A-8A
Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 20 Tegal
Telp. (0283) 354481
Paling lambat 14 April 2008

Job Vacancy @ PT Multi Kencana Niagatama



Supervisor Quality Control

(bagian Peleburan Alumunium)

Dicari lulusan S1 di bidang METALURGI dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

  • Umur maksimum 35 tahun
  • sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • berkepribadian baik dan dapat bekerjasama
  • Posisi : Supervisor Quality Control
  • bagian : Peleburan Alumunium

Kirimkan segera lamaran anda (datang langsung) sebelum tanggal 15 April 2008 ke SEKRETARIAT CDC-UI (KAMPUS UI DEPOK), dengan menyertakan

  • CV
  • Transkrip Nilai
  • Izasah
  • Foto 4x6 (1 lembar)

Gedung CDC-UI (Areal Komplek Pusgiwa UI)
Kampus UI Depok, 16424

until April 15th, 2008


Sebagai lembaga keuangan yang bergerak dinamis dan senantiasa berkembang, Bank Danamon mengajak Anda untuk bergabung dengan kami di beberapa kota: Jogja (Jk), Solo (Sl), Salatiga (Sl3), Magelang (Mgl), Purworejo (Pwj) dan sekitarnya.

Kami sediakan kompensasi & benefit menarik:

  • Permanent staff dengan masa Probation 3 bulan
  • Jenjang karier yang jelas
  • Basic salary, insentif & reward yang menarik
  • Training & Coaching yang berkesinambungan
  • Benefit kesehatan untuk diri sendiri, suami/istri & anak

Kualifikasi Umum:

  • Pria/Wanita
  • Usia 20 s.d 30 th
  • Pendidikan S1 IPK min 2,75 diutamakan Fakultas Ekonomi
  • Penampilan menarik
  • Menyukai tantangan dan berorientasi terhadap target
  • Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
  • Tertarik pada bidang penjualan

Personal Banking Officer (PBO)

  • Mampu memaintenain Customer Existing baik Funding & Lending
  • Mampu meningkatkan penjualan Funding maupun Lending
  • Mampu bekerjasama dengan team

Personal Banking Officer Hunter (PBO-H)

  • Mampu Mendapatkan Nasabah Baru baik Funding maupun Lending
  • Mampu bekerjasama dengan team

Customer Service Officer (CSO)

  • Mampu Melakukan penjualan Funding & Lending untuk nasabah existing dan new customer
  • Mampu melakukan pengadministrasian penjualan team

Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, copy ijazah dan transkrip akademik terakhir, surat referensi kerja, copy KTP dan pas photo berwarna terbaru ukuran 4x6 ke:

Area Sales Manager Personal Banking:
Gedung Bank Danamon Lt. 2
Jl. Diponegoro No. 97 Jogjakarta 55231


  1. Lamaran paling lambat dikirim tanggal 30 Maret 2008
  2. Cantumkan kode Jabatan dan Kota penempatan pada Amplop Kiri Atas
  3. Hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil
  4. PT. Bank Damanon Jogjakarta memberi kesempatan kepada mahasiswa/i FEB untuk melaksanakan penelitian tugas akhir bidang pemasaran

Job Vacancy @ PT Mitsuba Indonesia

logo mitsuba


PT MITSUBA INDONESIA, perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Automotive Electrical System of Two Wheels and Four Wheels at Tangerang – Banten, dimana pada saat ini sedang membutuhkan karyawan, pada bagian : EXPORT & IMPORT (EXIM)
Dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

  1. Lulusan D3 Universitas Indonesia Jurusan Sastra Jepang
  2. Laki-laki (Fresh Graduated max. 23 tahun)
  3. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (Lisan & Tulisan)
  4. Computer (Microsoft Excel, Word )
  5. Berbadan sehat
  6. Mempunyai semangat kerja yang tinggi & aktif

Pelaksanaan seleksi rekrutmen akan kami informasikan lebih lanjut via telepon. Lamaran dikirimkan langsung atau via pos ke alamat berikut paling lambat tanggal 31 Maret 2008

Office & Factory : Jl. Siliwangi Kel. Keroncong, Kec. Jatiuwung, Tangerang, Banten. P.O. Box 110 Tng.

until March 31th, 2008


Cost and Financial Analyst

We are a joint venture, heavy equipment manufacturing company located in Cileungsi, Bogor urgently seeking a highly qualified candidate to fill in the position of Cost and Financial Analyst reporting to the Business & Human Resources Manager.

Job requirements:

  • Bachelor degree in Accounting with minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Understand product costing (SAP)
  • Strong analytical thinking
  • Fluent in Written and Oral English
  • Computer literate
  • Work experience in a manufacturing industry will be an advantageous
  • Attractive Base salary (7-9 million), medical and transportation expenses, will be provided

Please submit your application along
with CV to PO Box 7518/JKSCCE,
Jakarta 12075 or email address:
before March 25, 2008

Job Vacancy @ Hotel Salak

logo hotel Salak

Kami hotel bintang **** lokasi strategis di tengah kota Bogor, dengan fasilitas Free Hogh Speed Internet, 12 ruang meeting @10-1000 orang, Business Center, 120 kamar, Café & Restaurant, Travel Agent, Kids Club, Fitness Centre @ Swimming Pool, Art  Shop, Salon & Spa, Herbal Place & Information Center dll, mengajak anda untuk bergabung & berkarir dengan jabatan :


Bagi anda yang telah memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut:

  • lulusan Universitas Indonesia
  • Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
  • Pendidikan Min. Strata 1 dan IPK min.2.75
  • Memahami WEB Design
  • Usia maks.26 tahun
  • Tinggi badanPria min.168 cm dan Wanita min. 160 cm
  • Tinggi badan harus dicantumkan pada lamaran kerja
  • Kirim lamaran lengkap paling lambat tanggal 31 Maret 2008

Accounting Staff

Bagi anda yang telah memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut:
  • Usia maks. 25 tahun
  • Tinggi badan Pria min. 168 cm & Wanita min. 160 cm
  • (Tinggi badan harus dicantumkan pada lamaran kerja)
  • Pendidikan min Sarjana/Strata 1
  • IPK min 2.75
  • Lulusan Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi
  • Diutamakan dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris, lisan & tertulis
  • Kirim lamaran lengkap paling lambat tanggal 31 Maret 2008

Kirim lamaran lengkap ke :
Hotel Salak The Heritage
HRD Dept
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 8
Bogor 16121

until March 31th, 2008


PT. Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (PERSERO) sebuah Group Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Agro Industri, Perdagangan (Trading), Alat Kesehatan serta Farmasi, membutuhkan calon pimpinan yang disiapkan melalui:


Program ini merupakan pembekalan bagi calon pimpinan perusahaan melalui pendidikan, pelatihan dan pemagangan.

Calon MTP harus memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

  1. Pendidikan min. S1 Jurusan Akuntansi, Manajemen, Hukum, Psikologi, Pertanian, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, (Fresh Graduate) atau D3 Jurusan tersebut (dengan pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun)
  2. IPK minimal 2,80
  3. Usia maksimal 30 th (pada saat bulan Maret 2008)
  4. Single (belum menikah)
  5. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
  6. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia
  7. Lulus seleksi yang diselenggarakan perusahaan

Lamaran dikirim dengan dilengkapi Curriculum Vitae (CV) dan mencantumkan nomor telepon, fotocopy ijasah (legalisir), fotocopy transkrip nilai akademik (legalisir), pas photo terbaru ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 2 lembar dengan mencantumkan kode: MTP pada bagian kiri atas amplop paling lambat 22 Maret 2008 ke alamat:

GEDUNG RNI Lt. 5 Jl. Denpasar Raya Kav D III Kuningan

Job Vacancy @ BPRS AlSalaam-PNM


Sebuah Bank Syariah yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan tenaga professional dan dinamis untuk mengisi posisi berikut :

  1. MDP – Account Officer (MDP-AO)
  2. Sales Agent (SA)

  1. Pria, Muslim, Usia Maksimal 27 tahun (1) dan 35 tahun (2)
  2. S1 Semua Jurusan, IPK Min 2.80 untuk PTN dan 3.00 untuk PTS (1)
  3. SLTA/sederet (2)
  4. Berpenampilan menarik dan komunikatif
  5. Belum menikah dan sanggup untuk tidak menikah selama masa pendidikan (1)
  6. Bersedia di tempatkan diseluruh wilayah kerja Bank (1).7
  7. Memiliki SIM C dan kendaraan sendiri (2)

Bila Anda orang yang tepat
Kirim Surat lamaran, Daftar Riwayat Hidup, Pas Foto (4x6) 1 lembar dan fotocopy ijazah dan KTP. Tulis kode lamaran di sudut kiri atas.
                    Jl. Cinere Raya Blok A No. 42
                    Limo – Depok 16514

until April 15th, 2008


The AXA Group is one of the largest insurance groups in the world. Established in France in 1816, AXA now operates in more than 60 countries throughout Europe, North America, the Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East. Supported by over 112,000 dedicated staff and financial advisors, AXA leads the industry in terms of professionalism, trustworthiness, innovation and reputation. AXA has a multi-distribution model in Indonesia, and due to our rapid growth we are inviting professionals to fill the following positions:

Head of Internal Audit (IA-H 01)

  • Minimum 10 years experience as internal and/or external auditor
  • Strong track record in internal audit, fraud investigation, and evaluation of systems and procedures
  • High level of integrity and compliance with governance, and good skills in auditing and accounting

Head of Risk & Compliance (RC-H 01)

  • Min. 5 years experience in Risk Management & Compliance
  • Preferably certified in Risk Management
  • Possess high analytical and communication skills

HR Assistant Vice President (HR-AVP 01)

  • As a strategic partner to the business, and to lead the design & implementation of end-to-end HR practices
  • Min. 10 years experience in human resources, with 5 years in managerial position
  • Ability to motivate team to achieve performance objectives within tight timeframes and manage several local and regional,projects simultaneously

HR Development Manager (HRD-M 01)

  • Min-5-7 years experience in human resources development
  • Hands-on experience in Human Resources Development management (HR policies, training, performance management, and employee engagement & communication)
  • Knowledge of Indonesian Labour Law is an advantage

Project Manager (PM-M 01)

  • Verifiable and successful experience as a project manager, in insurance or financial industry
  • Experience with Six Sigma method, preferably certified as a Bladc Belt or Green Belt

IT Senior Analyst Programmer (IT-SAP 01)

  • Strong business acumen to facilitate the delivery of sound business solutions
  • A minimum of 6 years experience in IT solution delivery or development, preferably in insurance or financial services
  • In-depth formal system development experience, preferably in ASJ400 and/or UNIX and/or Windows platforms
  • Strong analytical, problem solving, supervision and organisation skills and experience
  • Ability to lead a team of developers on system development activities

Procurement Supervisor (Proc-S 01)

  • Min. 2 years experience as a procurement/purchasing supervisor

Promotions & Events Associate (PE-A 01)

  • Min. 2 years experience in Promotions & Events

Area Sales Manager (ASM-M 02)

  • Min. 3 years work experience in managing sales people
  • Have a strong track record of motivating a team to high levels of performance
  • Willing to be stationed in all branches of Bank Mandiri
  • Fixed and variable remunerations will be provided

Sales Trainer (ST-S 02)

  • Min. 2 year experience as "a sales trainer with good performance record
  • Experience in writing/designing training modules or distance learning materials and understanding Various learning styles
  • Able to. deliver training modules

Medical Underwriter Associate (MU-A 02)

  • University degree with medical background
  • Minimum 1 year experience in insurance industry with sound understanding of life insurance underwriting and risk assessment

Sales Manager (SM-M 03)

  • Experience in recruitment and sales activities with strong business vision and good potential market
  • Willing to be stationed in Jakarta, Bandung, Palembang, Medan, Lampung, Surabaya, Malang, Semarang, Grebon, Makassar, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Bali, or Lombok
  • Fixed and variable remunerations will be provided

Sales Coordinator Associate/Manager (SCo-A/Sco-M 03)

  • Min. 2 years experience in sales development
  • Willing to be stationed in Jakarta or Surabaya

Sales Recruitment Associate/ Manager (SR-A/SR-M 03)

  • Min, 2 years experience in sales, marketing, and/or training area
  • Willing to be stationed in Jakarta or Surabaya

Customer Services Staff (CS-S 04)

  • Min. 2 years experience in administration and max. 30 years of age
  • Customer oriented

General Requirements:
University degree in related discipline, and a Life Insurance or other financial services industry background is preferable. Good communication and interpersonal skills, English literacy, proficient PC skills, abilityto work as a team player, achievement oriented and energetic are the essential competencies and behaviours expected at AXA

If you believe that you are qualified for any of the above positions, please send your comprehensive resume before March 31, 2008 by email to: HRD Department - AXA, with the code of position as your email subject. All applicants will be treated confidentially and only short-listed candidates will be notified.

We only accept applications received, via email, please do not send scanned documents or message more than 300kb.

Job Vacancy @ PT. Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia -- until March 24th, 2008

Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia     URGENTLY REQUIRED

PT. Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia, the fast growing Manufacturing Company (PMA) LOCATED IN MERAK-BANTEN is seeking for some energetic and talented persons for the position of:

  2. Quality Inspection Officer (QI)


  • Male, age 22-25 years
  • Bachelor degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering (GPA Min 2.75)
  • Fresh graduate is preferable
  • Fluent in English both spoken and written
  • Hard worker, self starter
  • Willing to work and stay at at Merak

Excellent compensation package will be offered, commensurate with your qualification and experience.
If you meet the above qualification, please submit your application letter and updated resume before March 24th, 2008 to:
PT. Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia, Human Resources Section :

“only qualified applicants will be short listed”
Also visit our website for further details at :

Vacant Position of Process Superintendent Commissioning

Our Client, is a leading multinational energy company with 95.000 employees and operations in more than 130 countries engages in all aspects of the petroleum industry, including Upstream operations (oil and gas exploration, development and production, LNG) and Downstream operations (refining, marketing and the trading and shipping of crude oil and petroleum products)is currently looking for:

Process Superintendent Commissioning (Field Based)
Job Description:
• To ensure safety of commissioning activities, with good coordination with other parties involved, and in respect with company regulations
• To manage and supervise commissioning activities performed by a team of technicians, in a safe and professional manner, within the framework and priorities defined by the CSL
• To be the technical reference for all matters related to his trade, and providing solutions to technical issues.

• Bachelor degree in any engineering background
• Typically 5 years relevant experience, with a minimum of 2 years in a operation/process activities within a project
A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered to attract top caliber applicants. Please send your CV (in MS Word version) to:

Vacant Position As Construction Site Representative

Our Client, is a leading multinational energy company with 95.000 employees and operations in more than 130 countries engages in all aspects of the petroleum industry, including Upstream operations (oil and gas exploration, development and production, LNG) and Downstream operations (refining, marketing and the trading and shipping of crude oil and petroleum products)is currently looking for:

Construction Site Representative (CSR) (Field based)
Job Description:
• To establish a clear policy and general rules to be applied to each discipline, in order to have a coherent and homogeneous Construction Team.
• To give clear instruction and responsibilities to all members of Team in order that they feel at ease and motivated
• To be convinced as all members of the Team that, in addition to quality and good engineering practice, planning and cost must be a permanent concern.
• To make necessary arbitration between different disciplines, the only criteria being the benefit of the overall project
• To maintain good relationships with Contractors, being flexible enough but also strict when necessary to achieve the objective of the project.
• To liaise with Safety, Cost, Planning and Administration sections to improve effectiveness of Team.
• Represent project regarding the specific contract or purchase order, protecting company’s interests and influencing decisions.
• Keep informed the project manger of all events which may effect the successful completion of the project goals.

• Bachelor degree in any engineering background
• Typically 10 years relevant experience, with a minimum of 5 years in a Construction managerial role within a project
• Recognized level of expertise in a , construction
A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered to attract top caliber applicants. Please send your CV (in MS Word version) to:

Secretary at PT KPSI Balikpapan

PT Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia (KPSI) is an International services company for the resources sector, plant engineering, civil construction, transportation, and earthworks to serve clients in fiber plantation and chip, pulp, and paper industry. We are equal opportunity employer that committed to recruit, develop, and retain the best talents. Our people are some of the best in the similar type of business with considerable competencies and extensive experience across all areas of our operations. Due to rapid business expansion, currently we are seeking for the highly motivated professionals to strengthen our team in the following position:

RESPONSIBILITIES: Prepare reports and materials for publications, presentations, and other related agendas; setup travel arrangements as well as accommodation and entertainment; maintain scheduling and event calendars; prepare and maintain expense report; setup and coordinate meetings and conferences; create, transcribe, and distribute meeting agendas and minutes; handle telephones and correspondences in appropriate manner; perform general clerical duties such as photocopying and filing; maintain hard copy and electronic filing system; and other duties as assigned.

REQUIREMENTS: Minimum Diploma in Secretarial, Business
Administration, Accounting, or related fields; 2 years relevant
experience in related post; knowledge and skills in basic finance and accounting, and filling system; excellent professional verbal and written communication skills as well as planning and organizing skills; able to secure confidential information; good problem solving techniques; ability to cope with additional responsibilities; proportional attention to details.

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Computer literate; excellent in English and Bahasa both written and spoken; high personal work-motivation, proactive, and creative; high orientation on cost-effectiveness, quality, time-frame, and safety; high professional-integrity and excellent teamwork skills; willing to travel and relocate to Kalimantan.
Please submit your application letter, comprehensive CV with recent photograph, and related certification before 22nd March 2008 to HR Department of PT Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia - Balikpapan: Please put the position code on e-mail subject and quote your salary expectation in your application letter. Only short listed candidate will be invited for interview.

Lowongan Pekerjaan

We are an established food industry in North Jakarta is looking for :
1. Instrumentation Engineer (IE)
* Male, Max. 30years old
* S1 Electrical/Instrumentation
* Experienced in similar position Min. 3 years (prefer from Refinery Industry)
* Good knowledge PLC and Instrument system application
* Good Personality, Can speaks & write in English

2. Maintenance Technician For Air Condition (MTAC)
* Male, max. 30 years old
* STM/Diploma in Electrical
* Experienced min. 2 years in Technician for Air Condition
* Good Personality,

3. Technical Trainee (TT)
* Male, Max. 26 years old
* D-3 in , Chemical or Mechanical
* Good Personality, Can speaks & write in English
* Fresh graduated are welcome to apply

4. Quality Service Trainee (QST)
* Female, Max. 26 years old
* SMK/D-3 in Chemical/Analyst
* Good Personality, Can speaks & write in English
* Fresh graduated are welcome to apply

5. Maintenance Section Head (MSH)
* Male, Max. 35 years old
* S-1 in Mechanical or Electrical
* Experienced in similar position Min. 3 years
* Good Personality, Can speaks & write in English

Please send complete application (please mark the code on the position the left corner of envelope) in 1 (one) month from this advertisement issued to :
PO BOX 1105 Jakarta 14011
Or send e-mail :
Pls send the application in MS Word (max 100 KB) if send to email

(Vacancy) HSE Engineer

PT Klaras Pusaka Internasional is seeking the HSE Engineer with
qualifications as below :
1. Degree in HSE, Engineering or Science
2. Fluent in English both spoken and written.
3. Strong Computer Literacy.
4. Minimum 1 year working experience in Oil and Gas industry as HSE Engineer
5. Experience in offshore & onshore operations, which include Permit To Work System, Training Capability, Develop Safe Working Procedures, Job Safety Analysis (JSA), Accident/ Incident Analysis and investigation, and Emergency Response.
6. Experience on HSE inspection and audit.
7. Having knowledge on HSE Management System, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
8. Having experience on day-to-day activities of Safety Officer tasks.
9. Familiar with Fire fighting equipment and Life Saving Appliances on maintenance and inspection as per industry standard.
10. Provide technical expertise and support the Field Safety to ensure effectiveness of the offshore HSE Program, such as PTW, STOP, Behavior Based Safety, etc.
11. Good presentation skill.
Please submit your recent CV via email to HYPERLINK

Lowongan Freelance Web Designer

lowongan pekerjaan sebagai Trainer Freelance Web
Designer, adapun syarat2x nya sbb :
1. Menguasai Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver dan pernah/implementasi membuat aplikasi dengan menggunakan pemrograman tersebut.
2. Memahami konsep CMS (Content Management System) dan familiar PHP
Sebagai nilai tambah.
3. Jujur, dan mempunyai motivasi yang tinggi
4. Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim
5. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
6. Pengalaman mengajar Web Design kurang lebih 2 thn
Sertakan pengalaman anda yg sudah live di internet (sebagai referensi)...
Silahkan kirim CV anda ke
Terima Kasih atas perhatiannya

Job Vacancy for AE and PR from the biggest ones indoor advertising

Job Vacancy for AE and PR from the biggest ones indoor advertising needs u..!!

Public Relation (code : Public Relation)
Minimum qualifications:
Female, min IPK 2,5
single max 25 years old
Good Looking, fresh and clean
Degree Public Relation, all major
Fluent in English
Smart, excellent presentation skill, attractive, leadership, good
initiative & teamwork, able to work under pressure and/or with tight deadline have a good relation with agency, media,sponsor and clints
Excellent Communication Skills and a pleasant personality
Good acknowledge about Computer (Microsoft Office)

Account Executive (code : Account Executive)
Minimum qualifications:
Female, single max 25 years old
Good Looking, fresh and clean
min D1
Creative thingking, active, energic, excellent performance,
selfmotivated, good loyality, strong administrative and communication
skills, willing to work hard highly motivated, Must be innovative,
presentation and analytical skills.
English Literate (Read, Write & Spoken)
Knowledge about Market research, Propose Client and Maintenance client
Able to work under pressure
can get target sales every month
Closing Date : March 23rd.2008
SEND to :
Teguh Hariprayudo
Marketing Manager

note dari client:
1. yang tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi di harap untuk tidak melamar
2. yang niat bekerja

Lowongan Tenaga Ahli Yunior (T A Y)

Di butuhkan Segera Tenaga Ahli Yunior (TAY) untuk Proyek Water Conveyance; Public Private Partnership (Direktorat Pengairan Irigasi, Bappenas).
Jurusan: Teknik Sipil dari Universitas Negeri terkemuka,
Pengalaman kerja terkait min 2 tahun
Pekerja Keras
Kirimkan CV lengkap, surat Lamaran, transkip nilai terakhir, referensi kerja (jika ada), foto terbaru dan foto copy KTP
ke alamat : Gedung Wisma Bakri 2 Lt 5, Ruang PISP, JL HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, jakarta
atau kirimkan
email : Astrie, Indah :

Vacancy - Trimegah Securities Tbk in Various Cities

Our Client, PT. Trimegah Securities Tbk is a publicly listed and fully integrated securities company with leading position in trading value, volume, and frequency in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Trimegah has built up its business through the ebbs and flows of Indonesia's capital market, working consistently to attain its current position as a trusted and reliable local securities company.  Today Trimegah is a securities company with distinct profile in every area, be it Stock and Bond Brokerage dealing or Investment Banking and Asset Management.
Trimegah is seeking people with following experiences and skills:

Customer Relation Officer - CRO
* Achieve business objective in Mutual Funds (Reksa Dana) Sales area
* Contact prospective customers to determine their needs, present information, and explain available services
* Offer advice on the purchase or sale of Mutual Funds products

Equity Sales - ES
* Achieve business objective in Equity (Saham) Sales area & manage clients' portfolio.
* Contact prospective customers to determine clients' needs, present information, and explain available services.
* Develop financial plans based on analysis of clients' financial
status, and discuss financial options with clients.
* Offer advice on the purchase or sale of Equity securities.
General Requirements
* Candidate must possess at least Associate Degree (D3) in any field with minimum GPA 2.75.
* Required skill(s): Excellent Interpersonal skill, able to operate
computer & its application (Word, Excel, Power Point).
* Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia.
* Preferred language(s): English, Chinese
* Able to work under high pressure environment, self-starter & target driven.
* Willing to work in Trimegah branches across Indonesia which located at Medan, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Jakarta, Bandung, Solo, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Denpasar, Makassar, Jember , Manado, Balikpapan.
* Fresh graduates/entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Full-Time positions available.
* Costumer service oriented, smart and friendly
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word Format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph to:
Please put the position applied CRO - LOCATION / ES - LOCATION on the subject line. (Example : CRO - MEDAN / ES - BANDUNG)
Only short listed candidates will be notified to undergo further test in the location mentioned above.

Lowongan Programmer/System Analyst

Dibutuhkan segera Programmer/System Analyst dengan kualifikasi sbb:
- Laki-laki, usia maksimal 30 tahun,
- Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai Programmer/System Analyst,
- Bahasa Pemrograman Visual Basic, Visual Foxpro, .Net merupakan nilai+
- Databases SQL Server,
- Reporting Crystal Report,
- Mampu bekerja sama Dalam Team,
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Cilegon
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap, CV & Pas Foto ke
paling lambat tanggal 23 Maret 2008
Hormat Kami
Recruitment Dept.

Marketing Communication @ Revlon

Marketing Communication REVLONFemale/Male, 24-30 yrsEducation min. S1 Min. 2 years experience (mostly handling ATL: media planning, budgeting)
Familiar with PR activities and event organizing
Close relation with Media (print, radio and TV)
Familiar with Photoshop, Illustrator, FreehandCommunicative, attractive, fashionable, love cosmetics
A team player and creative
Please send your resume to: before March 21st, 2008

LOKER Operator Alat Berat

Lembaga Bina Karya bekerja sama dengan salah satu Perusahaan Kontraktor di Indonesia membutuhkan beberapa pekerja untuk digunakan dalam penggarapan perkebunan di pulau kalimantan.
Kualifikasi :
· Pria max 45 tahun
· Berpengalaman dalam bidang penggarapan proyek
· Familiar with crane, gondola, and lift / exsavator.
· Mengerti tentang mesin alat berat & pengoperasiannya
· Bersedia ditempatkan di Kalimantan selama kontrak kerja
Posisi : Operator Exsavator & Buldoser
Mempunyai SIO (Surat Izin Operasional)
mengendarakan alat berat
Salary min Rp. 4.000.000,00/bulan
Dibutuhkan + 80 pekerja.
Semua fasilitas sudah ditanggung oleh perusahaan.
Bagi yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi silahkan menghubungi
pada jam kantor ( 09.00 - 18.00 ) :
Rangga ( 081804943442 ) NO SMS

CARRIER OPPORTUNITY as Associate Maintenance Engineer (Code: AME)

We, a growing national service company in oil and gas industry, are seeking qualified candidates to fill the position in our company as:

Associate Maintenance Engineer (Code: AME)
- Fresh graduate from reputable university, hold Bachelor Degree (S-1)  majoring in Electronics or Instrument with minimum GPA - 3.00
- Good command and understanding in English is mandatory
- Computer Literate
- Willing to work in remote area.

If you are interested in carrier opportunity with us please submit your resume or CV, copy of academic certificate, transcript and recent photograph not later than March 31, 2008 (post stamp) to HR Department PT. EXSPAN PETROGAS INTRANUSA, Gedung Bidakara Lt. 3, Jl. Jend. Gatot Soebroto Kav. 71-73, Jakarta 12870, for attention Ms. Sri Supadmiati – HR & GA Head or e-mail : or and please put job code as email subject.
Only short listed candidate will be notified for interview.

Schlumberger - Lowongan Kerja Engineer

Schlumberger - Lowongan Kerja Engineer
A major International Oilfield Services Company is looking for serious candidates to join our Indonesia organization for a career as Maintenance Technician. You will perform preventive maintenance and modifications according to defined schedules, as well as ensuring that failed equipment is analyzed and repaired in a timely manner. Your role is a critical support position that have a significant impact on the Service Quality of the location.

Instrumental Engineer (Job Code : IE)
Diploma-3 degree graduate in ELECTRONICS/Telecommunications Engineering from respected Polytechnic.
Excellent command of English and have good interpersonal skill.
Able to work under pressure and be independent, adventurous, self-driven, analytic & creative attitudes, capable of shouldering heavy responsibility.
GPA minimum 2.70.
Age max. 30 years old.
Must have general computer skills.
Willing to be assigned in one of our locations in Indonesia.
Works involved some occasional well site trips (not only office works).

Sonde Maintenance Technician (Job Code : Sondeman)
Diploma-3 degree graduate in MECHATRONIC/MECHANICAL from respected Polytechnic.
Excellent command of English and have good interpersonal skill.
Able to work under pressure and be independent, adventurous, self-driven, analytic & creative attitudes, capable of shouldering heavy responsibility.
GPA minimum 2.70.
Age max. 30 years old.
Must have general computer skills.
Willing to be assigned in one of our locations in Indonesia.
Works involved some occasional wellsite trips (not only office works).
We are seeking for candidates who are committed to a long term career.
If you are qualified, we invite you to send your resume, giving detailed qualifications, experience, and references, and other relevant documents via e-mail to:
Schlumberger Recruitment


For a start in July, Bali's First Holistic School is seeking :
Applications open to fully-qualified native English-speaking expat, or Indonesians.
Written applications via email with full CV and supporting letter to :
Closing date : March 28th, 2008


For a start in July, Bali's First Holistic School is seeking :
Qualified Indonesian Teacher, fluently bi-lingual with experience in an International and/or National Plus School. An interest in Environmental Sciences preferred.
Competitive package and career prospects for the ideal candidate.
Written applications via email with full CV and supporting letter to :
Closing date : March 28th, 2008

Job Vacancy : Business Manager

Multinational affiliated company in manufacturing and marketing of quality food and consumer products requires expat / local :
- Solid experience in food and consumer exports.
- Experienced in identifying acquisitions.
- Experienced in marketing food and consumer products.
Relationship flexible on salary, commission or other basis. Please send application with CV and photo to :
HRD Director
P.O.Box 1344 / JKT 13013.


Multinational affiliated company in manufacturing and marketing of quality food and consumer products requires expat / local :
- Min 5 years experience in top consumer / food sales management.
- Very strong experience in distribution expansion.
- Sold experience in sales person management.
- Highly familiar with local distributors and all outlet types (Supermarket / mini marts, wholesalers, retail) nationwide.
Relationship flexible on salary, commission or other basis. Please send application with CV and photo to :
HRD Director
P.O.Box 1344 / JKT 13013.


Australian-based Company with 4 Offices in 3 Cities in Indonesia is
Operation in 1000 Offices in 27 Different Countries
(Australia, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines, Greece, The United Kingdom)
US$ 5 Billion Turn Over

Limited Quality Vacancies (100) :
Minimum D3
Great Communications Skills
Great Personality
High Positive ness
High Goals
Interested in Managing People, Advertising, International Travel,
and Management Career Remuneration Best in the Industry
Contact : Imam 08159939887 (By Call No SMS)
www.appcogroup. com
Immediate Starters Only


People Development Agency
is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources. Have wide range client from property, electronic, embassy, logistic, trading, telecommunication, financial institution, hospital, shipping to retail.
We are a consultant company located in Jakarta, specialized in Human Resources field. We provide services in HR area (Recruitment, Assessment, Training, etc) based on client request. Currently we are looking for a dynamic person who is committed to be part of our full time team as:

Junior Human Resources Consultant (code - 099)
Age 23-27 years old
Bachelor degree in Psychology (is a must)
Fresh graduates are welcome to apply but having experience / knowledge in Human Resources is an advantage
Having knowledge about Psychological Test
Willing to learn, able to work under pressure, and able to work in team.
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Please email your application letter, detailed CV, and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. For example (yourname-pda 099)
Thank you for your kind attention.

VACANT : CUSTOMER SERVICE for Bank in Muara Karang Branch

People Development Agency
is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources. Have wide range client from property, electronic, embassy, logistic, trading, telecommunication, financial institution, hospital, shipping to retail. One of our services is Executive Search
Our client, a well established bank in Jakarta , is looking for new professionals to join them as

Requirements :
1. Female, maximum age 25 years old
2. Minimal Diploma degree from any discipline
3. Good looking, good communication and interpersonal skill
4. Integrity and hard working
5. Understand Mandarin/Hokkian will be an advantage
Candidate will be placed in Muara Karang branch.
Please email your application letter, detailed CV (include detail job desc), and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. For example (yourname-pda 094)
Thank you for your kind attention.


People Development Agency is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources. Have wide range client from property, electronic, embassy, logistic, trading, telecommunication, financial institution, hospital, shipping to retail. One of our services is Executive Search
Our client, a Property Management Company located in Jakarta , is currently looking for new professionals to join them as :

Marketing Communication Staff (pda-096)
Qualifications :
Male/Female (preferably female) with age maximum 30yrs
2 years experience in the same field
Bachelor degree from any major (preferably from Public Relation)
Good presentation skill
Good interpersonal skill

Please email your application letter, detailed CV (include detail job desc), and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to Reference code of position must be written on the email subject.
For example (yourname-pda 096)
Thank you for your kind attention.

Engineering Staff at Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian (Fresh Graduate are welcome)

As a Sole Distributor of Mitsubishi, PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors, which was established in 1970 (used to known as PT New Marwa 1970 Motors), has committed to be consistent in producing and marketing, only Mitsubishi brand of vehicles. This commitment has proven that our company has become one of the largest automotive companies in Indonesia. That is why; we always value the highly energetic, innovative potential young people. We need you to fill out this position:
Plant & Assembly Engineering Staff

* Following Technical Engineering Data related to Production Assembly
* Checking assembly process at Assembly Plant & following standard assembling
* Mantaining schedule, process & follow progress of New / Minor Change Model
* Engineering design
* Engineering Information Data Control

* Male
* Age between 22-25 years old
* Hold Bachelor Degree or Diploma/Associate Degree in Mechanical/Industrial
* Having experienced in related are for 1 year, fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Good comand in English
* Computer literate
* Good skill Technical Drawing Knowledge (2D and 3D simulation)
* Good communication skill
* Hold Driving Lisence
Please send your application and CV to:

Accountant Vacancy at Sampoerna (Fresh Graduates Welcome)

We are one of the largest multinational companies in Indonesia. Our superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A-Mild, Sampoerna Hijau, among others. Our business will always be competitive and demanding – operationally and intellectually. Our people thrive on these challenges. Our goal is to build an environment of equal opportunities, where each employee can use their unique talents and work styles to meet and exceed business and personal objectives.
We are currently looking for :
Accountant ( ACCT )
(Jawa Timur - Surabaya)
* To ensure all financial accounting transaction processes comply with policies, tax and procedures as well as to support treasury to do the payment in the timely manner
* The incumbents must hold Bachelor Degree in Accounting with min GPA 3.00.
* Preferably Fresh Graduates, but people with maximum 2 years working experience in Finance and Accounting may apply.
* Have good analytical thinking, customer service orientation, teamwork & cooperation skills, and business minded
* Proficient in both oral and written English
* Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia.
* Preferred language(s): English.
For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached your comprehensive resume, not later than April 10 , 2008 by stating the applied position code (Acc ) to :
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
(Any Comprehensive resume that are sent to will not be processed)
Jl. Rungkut Industri Raya No.18
Surabaya 60293

Business Development Staff at OTO

Kami Salah Satu Perusahaan "Automotive Financial Services" (Pembiayaan Otomotif), Terbaik, Terpercaya & Terkemuka di Indonesia, Memberikan Kesempatan Kepada Anda Untuk Bergabung Bersama Kami.

Business Development Staff (BDV)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Pusat)
* Pria
* Maksimal usia 25 tahun
* Pendidikan S1 dengan IPK 2.75
* Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft Office, bekerja keras dan bersedia bekerja dalam tekanan
* Mampu berbahasa inggris aktif lisan dan tulisan akan menjadi nilai lebih
* Proaktif, senang bekerja sama dalam team dan dapat memotivasi diri
* Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman yang sama di perusahaan finance
* Bersedia untuk melakukan perjalanan dinas
Kirimkan Formulir Lamaran Kerja (FLK), CV, Copy KTP (Wajib), Foto 4x6 serta lampiran lain yang mendukung ke:
PO BOX 6983 JKS-ST 12069
atau via email ke:
Paling lambat 24 April 2008

Production Supervisor at Sari Husada

Sari Husada is a pioneer in manufacturing baby and nutritious foods in Indonesia. We produce various kinds of international standard milk products for infants and for pregnant and breast-feeding mothers. Our products includes: SGM 3, SGM 4, Vitalac 1+, Lactamil, SGM Cereal, SGM Rusk/Biscuit.
Currently, we are looking for a bright talent and achiever individuals to fill in the following vacancy in Operation:
Production Supervisor (Code: PRS)
* Male, max. 28 years old, must has S1 degree in Chemical Engineering / Food and Processing Technology.
* Has min. 1-2 years experience in the same field preferably in food industry or consumer goods. Fresh graduates are welcomed with GPA min. 3.00.
* Has strong knowledge and experienced in Management System (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, GMP/GHP, HACCP, SMK3, Halal) and production technology.
* Has good understanding on baby food or consumer good.
* Fluent in English (written & spoken).
* Able to operate computer, especially MS Office.
* Strong leadership, self-confidence, responsible, high motivated, and able to work in a team.
* Willing to be placed in Yogyakarta or Klaten.
Please send your application letter including CV, recent photograph and contact number (not more than 150KB) to:

Secretary Vacancy at Indonesia Stock Exchange

Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is a Self Regulatory Organization facilitating capital market development in Indonesia.
With our vision To be a Competitive Stock Exchange with World Class Credibility, we consistently put attention in our human capital. At present we are looking for qualified person to fill SECRETARY position to be placed in Surabaya office:
Secretary (Jawa Timur - Surabaya)

* Female, 21 – 25 years old
* Hold D3 Secretary /S1 in Business Administration from reputable university with GPA min 3,00
* Fresh graduated or max 2 years experience
* Excellence communication skill (Indonesia & English)
* Well groomed
* Customer Service Oriented
* Excellence interpersonal skill
* Skillful in Ms. Office
* Attention to detail
* Skillful in administrative duties

If you feel that you are the person we’re looking for, please send your comprehensive CV including photograph (4x6), copy of education certificate, and copy of transcript by:
email to :
mail to :
HR Division
Indonesia Stock Exchange
IDX Building, Tower I, Lt. 4
Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190
*) Please put the position in the subject of your email / mail.

Vacant Position of Production Specialist

Our Client, is a leading multinational energy company with 95.000 employees and operations in more than 130 countries engages in all aspects of the petroleum industry, including Upstream operations (oil and gas exploration, development and production, LNG) and Downstream operations (refining, marketing and the trading and shipping of crude oil and petroleum products)is currently looking for:
Production Specialist (Balikpapan based)

Job Description:
- Review new equipment design for projects and large modification, with Operation/Process expertise (Production, Maintenance)
- Participation to specific Project reviews or PTR¢s during detailed engineering phases in Jakarta
- Provide Operation expertise during start up of new equipment
- Participation to 3D model review
- Comments on new Projects documents in detailed engineering phase (or project phase: Operating philosophy)
- Follow punch list items and vendor claims
- Assistance to start-up team

Personal Requirements:
- Bachelor degree in Process Engineering
- Min. 5 years of working experience in oil & gas operation & production activities
- Have working experiences as Production Superintendent or Production Engineer is preferable
A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered to attract top caliber applicants. Please send your CV (in MS Word version) to:

Very Urgent Vacancy : Legal Officer in PT Commonwealth Life

The shares of Commonwealth Life are owned 80% by Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) and 20% by PT Gala Arta Jaya. CBA is one of Australia’s foremost financial services companies, and its major life insurance brands are each the biggest life insurers in their respective countries. Commonwealth Life has a presence in more than 15 major cities/towns throughout Indonesia and is represented by in excess of 3,400 agents who service more than 800,000 customers – either individual or group – across the country.
We seek to hire an ambitious and career minded professional as a :

Job Description:
1. Drafting and reviewing Contract/Agreement
a. Rental Agreement, Purchase & Sale Agreement;
b. Services Agreement (Courier service, maintenance, renovation, others);
c. Loan Agreement;
d. Bancassurrance Agreement;
e. Direct Sales/Telemarketing Agreement;
f. Agency Agreement;
g. Cooperation Agreement;
h. Others Agreement.

2. Maintaining Company Intellectual Property Rights Maters
a. Preparing related legal document;
b. Coordinating with HAKI Agency/Firm.

3. Monitoring New Regulation relating to the company’s Business and ensuring the implementation within the company.

4. Ad Hoc request from Legal Unit Head

Requirements & Qualification:
Bachelor degree in Law
Having min 1 year experience in Law Office 
Have Legal Knowledge & Skills
Computer Skills (Ms Office Application)
English literate
Life Insurance Knowledge
Business Process Knowledge
Highly motivated
Communication & Negotiation Skills
Interpersonal Skill
Decision Making & Analytical Thinking
Stress Tolerance

All applications will be kept strictly confidential, and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Please apply by email only by sending detailed and comprehensive Resume / Curriculum Vitae in Word format only, with recent photograph, current salary/ benefits, complete address, telephone number and private email address, in English as soon as possible. Put the name of the position in the e-mail subject (if not, your e-mail will be rejected by auto filter).
Please apply to:
HRD Dept

vacancy@ Duta Anggada Realty

We are an establish property and development company which is mainly engaged in real estate/developer and high rise building is seeking qualified employee for the below positions:

Project Manager (PM)
* Bachelor Degree in Construction Management or a related field
from Foreign University,
* Five (5) to ten (10) years professional domestic and overseas
experience in reputable company in hi-rise building,
* Highly proficient in Microsoft Office and Microsoft Project
* Excellent of English both written and oral
* Strong staff and construction management skills,
* Strong communication and contract administration skills,
* Ability to read schematics, blueprints and technical manuals,
* Fundamental estimating skills,
* Good problem solver with strong analytical skills and good
interpersonal skill

* Min. Bachelor Degree in Marketing or Business Management
* Min. 5 years working experience in Marketing Property
* Fluent in English, both oral and written
* Self motivated, creative, energetic, and relationship building
* Capable of achieving sales target

* Min. Bachelor Degree in Marketing or Business Management
* Min. 3 years working experience in marketing property
* Fluent in English, both oral and written
* Well groomed, self motivated, creative, energetic and
interpersonal skills
* Capable of achieving sales target or able to function under

* Min. Bachelor Degree in Law from reputable university
* Min. 1-2 years working experience for legal position in notary
public office
* Have a good knowledge in general legal matters such as reviewing and drafting legal documents and contract
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Excellent in computer literate
* Have a good communication skill and strong analytical
* Self starter and able to work under pressure

* S1 Interior / Architecture
* Minimum of 3 years at Interior Design or Architectural consultants/ contractor s.
* Capable of coordinating all consultant works both drawings and
on site supervision.
* Expert in 3D Max, Auto Cad, Perspective Drawing, Photoshop,
Color Scheme
* Highly creative.
* Willing to work hard.
* Highly organize and can get along with others
* Fluent in English both written and spoken.

* Min. Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering or Architect. Foreign
university is an advantage
* Min. 3 years working experience in related field
* Must be able to develop ideas and design by using AutoCAD,
Project Scheduling, Budgeting and Building details
* Good command in English both written and oral
* Creative, independent, talented, energetic and a team player

* Experienced become a trainer
* Have Special Education Experience preferable
* Min S-1 graduated from any disciplines
* Computer literacy
* Good in English (verbal and written)
* Hard working, discipline, honest and responsible
* Able to work under minimum supervision

* Bachelor's Degree in Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent
* At least 3 years of working experience in the related field is
required for this position
* Specializing in Financial Report/Accounting System &
Procedure/SPT report pph25,pph21
* Preferable Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Finance -
General/Cost Accounting or equivalent
* Has a leadership & independently

* Min. Diploma majoring Secretarial background from reputable
* Min 2 years working experience, prior experience with MNC is an advantage.
* Fluent in English, both oral and written, able to speak Mandarin
is an advantage.
* Highly proficient in MS Office, min. Ms. Words, Excel, Ms.
Outlook, Power Point.
* Highly motivated, pleasant personality, good appearance, good

* Min. Bachelor degree from any major
* Min. 3 years successful experience in Event Organizer, exhibition in Mall/Office
* Good personality, creative thinking, service mind character and
* English oral and written
* Ability to understand and work fast
* Ability to create and develop new ideas
* Able to work as a team

Please send your CV with a recent photograph no later than 1 (one) week after this advertisement to:
Only qualified applicant will be notified!

Heavy Equipment Company - Job Vacancy

A reputable heavy equipment distributor is inviting professionals who are looking for more challenges and better future to join as parts of our growth for the following positions :

(for: Pekanbaru, Surabaya, Lampung, or Padang)
Reporting to Regional Manager, the candidate will be in-charge in planning and implementing improvements to strengthen the performance of the branch start from strategic business planning, financial planning, sales & marketing, goods distribution, up to human resources

*Requirements :*
- Bachelor Degree (S1) from a reputable university
- Male, max 40 years old
- Minimum 5 years experience from heavy equipment company as Branch Manager / Coordinator
- Having the sales concept & strategy, creative, energetic, team
player, detail oriented and well organized.
- Capable individual in planning, strong leadership and motivational skills
- Self motivated with dynamic personality
- Posses good interpersonal and communication skills
- Responsible in achieving branch target, maintain service quality and operation of the branch.
- Demonstrate a high degree of integrity, good analytical skill and
people management.
- Good command of both spoken and written English is a must.
- Computer literate is a must.

*2. SALES ENGINEER (code: SE)*
(for: all our branches throughout Indonesia)
Reporting to Branch Manager, the candidate will be in-charge in sales & marketing* *

*Requirements :*
- Degree in Electrical, Mechanical or Industrial Engineering from a
reputable university
- Male, max 35 years old
- Minimum 3 years experience in similar position from heavy equipment company
- Have an excellent interpersonal and communication skills & also
negotiation skills.
- Highly energetic with initiative and confidence, target oriented,
good teamwork, proactive.
- Good command of both spoken and written English is a must.
- Computer literate is a must.
- Able to be placed in all our branches throughout Indonesia.

*3. MECHANIC (code: ME)*
*Requirements :*
- Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a reputable
- Male, max 35 years old
- Minimum 3 years experience in similar position from heavy equipment company
- Expert in service and maintenance of heavy equipment
- Have an excellent interpersonal and communication skills
- Highly energetic with initiative and confidence, good teamwork, and proactive.
- Good command of both spoken and written English is a must.
- Computer literate is a must.
- Able to be placed in all our branches throughout Indonesia.

(for: office, operational, or warehouse)

*Requirements :*
- Bachelor Degree from a reputable university
- Max 28 years old
- Minimum 1 year experience in similar position
- Fresh graduate are welcome
- Have an excellent interpersonal and communication skills
- Highly energetic with initiative and confidence, good teamwork, and proactive.
- Good command of both spoken and written English is a must.
- Computer literate is a must.

Please submit CV, expected salary and current photograph (max. 100kb) to: (please put the position code as the subject) 
*Confidentially assured. Only short-listed candidates will be notified*

Vacant Positions for our schools

The Singapore International School (SIS) and its affiliated schools under the distinctive name “ Singapore School ” (SIS) is working in cooperation with the International Finance Corporation (member of the World Bank Group) in a mission to “bring quality education to all.” Set up in 1996 in Jakarta , Indonesia , SIS has today more than 8(eight) campuses in Indonesia and is looking to expand within Indonesia . Each school provides the unique SIS curriculum which is modeled after the reputed Singapore education system but taught in an international environment. The focus of the SIS curriculum, which is taught in English, is to provide the core knowledge and skills to create a culture of learning throughout the lives of our students. Classes range from early childhood to primary, secondary and pre-university levels. Examinations include the Cambridge IGCSE and International A levels.

With current expansion plans, we are in need of:
Music Teacher
Min. Education S1.
Minimum 3 years experience in a recognized international or national plus school in the same position
Good English (both written and oral).
Good Computer skill.

If you feel your self meet the above requirements please send your cv, application and expected salary to : attn to : Mr. Oliver Anderson
thank you.

Vacancies in Australian Steel Manufacturing Company

We are one of the world's leading producers of metallic coated and
painted high quality steel. The group was originated in Australia and has steel manufacturing plants in New Zealand, USA, Asia and downstream product operations in 18 countries.
Our site in Indonesia was established in 1993, building a very
successful business by leveraging supports of our stakeholders, quality products and most importantly our people.
As part of our business strategy and growth, currently we are looking for bright, high achiever individuals, capable of providing excellent performance with self-integrity and good teamwork to fulfill the vacancy of:

The Business Analyst will be primarily responsible for supporting
business system applications Desired qualifications :
* Candidate must process at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering Computer or equivalent
* Required skill : Visual Basic program & ASP.NET
* Good analytical skills and programming technique
* Minimum 2 years work experience in the related field is required for this position
* Fluency in English (particularly written)

Send your complete application and resume within 1 week to:
Human Resources PT BlueScope Steel Indonesia
Deutsche Bank Building, 7th floor
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 80, Jakarta 10310
Or email to:
Please visit our website :
We will only contact the short-listed candidates. Early application is considered beneficial to the applicants. Please do not send application larger than 400Kb in size.