Deskripsi singkat - Formerly was known as Kompas Online, which provided the Internet edition of the Kompas Daily newspaper. Towards the end of 1997 the management decided that a separate entity was required to focus solely on Internet related business, and hence Kompas Cyber Media was incorporated. The company not only offers advertising opportunities to local companies, but also can provide services such as creative design, production, web applications, a payment facility, Internet consulting and web maintenance. Kompas Cyber Media is committed to support and boost the use of the Internet and E-Commerce in Indonesia. This objective forms is one part of a non-profit activity undertaken by the company, which often can be seen supporting seminars and other Internet related campaigns locally.
Bidang - Komputer/TI/Internet Lingkup - Internasional
Deskripsi Pekerjaan: Kebutuhan di PT.Kompas Cyber Media Untuk Project +/- 6 bulan. | |
Persyaratan: 1. Pria/Wanita 2. Pendidikan min.Diploma / S1 Jurusan Komunikasi / Periklanan 3. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris Lisan dan Tulisan. 4. Memiliki Pengalaman min.1 thn membuat Copy Iklan, Artikel Populer dan Menerjemahkan Indonesia – Inggris/Inggris – Indonesia.
Kirimkan lamaran anda via email ke :
Lamaran kami terima paling lambat sampai dengan tanggal 24 September 2007 | |
Kualifikasi: Jenis Kelamin | Diabaikan | Umur | diabaikan | Status Perkawinan | Diabaikan | Pendidikan | Min. DIPLOMA | Pengalaman Kerja | Min. 1 tahun | |
Lokasi Pekerjaan: Kota | Jakarta Pusat | Propinsi/Lokasi | DKI Jakarta | |
Tanggal: 22/09/07 - 24/09/07
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