Organisation Details:
Established in 1991, Austraining International Pty Ltd is wholly owned by the Government of the state of South Australia. Austraining International is an international development organisation that has managed over 300 bilateral and multilateral projects across 50 countries in Asia, the Pacific, North Africa and the Middle East.
Austraining has a permanent regional presence in Asia and the Pacific through 19 country offices and a major subsidiary in Indonesia. As a government-owned organisation we have a special commitment to development activity, innovation and improved outcomes. We encourage sustainability through the maintenance of linkages beyond project implementation.
Contact Person and Details:
Emer Cummins
Director, PT Austraining Nusantara
Tel: +62 (0) 8111 499 337
Email: emer.cummins@
Application Information:
Consultants wishing to express interest in any of these positions
should do so via email with a detailed CV to
Closing date: 13/10/2007
Position Description:
Austraining International, in consortium with GHD and PT. Sandika
Citra Cendekia, is currently preparing to tender for Early Childhood
Education and Development (ECED) Program.
The Early Childhood Education and Development (ECED) program is a World Bank and Netherlands Government funded program which focuses on improving poor children's overall development and readiness for further education within a sustainable quality ECED system.
The project will target an estimated 738,000 children aged 0 to 6 and their parents/caretakers living in approximately 6,000 poor communities located in 3,000 villages within 50 poor districts in 21 provinces throughout Indonesia meeting criteria specified in the Operation Manual for the activities ECED Program Service in Community level (COM).
To achieve the outputs, outcomes and objectives of the ECED program in line with the agreed procedures and its implementation plan, a National Management Consultant (NCM) will be recruited to strengthen and to ensure the effectiveness of the project management, and routine
project M&E.
The objectives of the assignment of the NMC are to ensure that the project will be implemented in accordance to the agreed manuals and to ultimately achieve all project goals and objectives. The NMC will be responsible to assist the executing agency in achieving the project objective and outputs. The NMC, on be half of the Central Project Implementing and Coordinating Unit (CPICU), will manage day-to-day operation and will be responsible to CPICU.
The main tasks of NMC include overall project planning, coordination among stakeholders, monitoring and supervision of implementation activities, reporting and troubleshooting implementation problems, so that the project is implemented in accordance with the procedures and criteria agreed by the World Bank and the Government as detailed in the Project Operation Manual (POM) and the Operation Manual for the activities of ECED Program Service on Community level (COM) and the agreed implementation plan and schedule.
The NMC will be working for about 6 years up to the end of June 2013. All consultants should be available as from January 2008.
As such, we are inviting Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified consultants for the following long term key positions:
• Team Leader – 68,5 person-months
• Co. Team Leader/Regional management Specialist/M& E Data Based Specialist (5 persons, 1
in each region) – 60 person-months each
• Financial Management Specialist (FMS) – 36 person-months
• Project Monitoring Specialist (5 persons, 1 in each region) – 36 person-months each
Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required:
Key Tasks:
• Prepare all planning details for ECED program implementation nation-wide.
• Assist the Head of the Satker PAUD/CPICU to supervise and monitor the whole ECED program. • Assist the Head of the Satker PAUD/CPICU in solving daily problems.
• Ensure that the flow of information runs well and fast from and to the Head of the Satker/ CPICU
as well as from and to the field through the 5 regional Regional Management Consultants
• Evaluate whether the ECED program achieves the results as planned and targeted.
• Ensure the program is managed in accordance with The World Bank Guidelines and Project
Operation Manual and Operation Manual for the activities of ECED program service at the
Community level.
• Assist the Head of the Satker PAUD/CPICU in implementing consistently between ECED
program and development targets.
• Assist the Head of the Satker PAUD/CPICU in preparing quarterly reports of the procurement
and IFR (Interim Financial Report) to be submitted to the Bank.
• Assist the Head of the Satker/CPICU in preparing Mid Annual Progress Report and Annual
Progress Report to be submitted to the Bank.
• Coordinate with all the individual consultants, both international and local, in order to be able to
work according to the job description in the ToR, so that each of the results will be recorded
into the project progress report.
• Coordinate with the Team adhoc in setting National Standards for ECED and BSNP (Badan
Standarisasi Nasional Pendidikan) in implementing all workshops for quality assurance in order
to run all the workshops for quality assurance as scheduled in the procurement plan per fiscal
year so that the results can be recorded in the project progress report.
• Coordinate with the Impact Study consultant in implementing impact evaluation ECED program
periodically based on the job description.
• Coordinate with RMC in developing implementation monthly Progress Report and IFR each
• Prepare data for the project monitoring quarterly reports each fiscal year as an information for the
coordination meeting with the Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation for development funding,
• Continued communication and maintaining a good relationship with the Head of Satker
PAUD/CPICU and also with the deputy director of PAUD Directorate as a technical supervisor of
the ECED Program in every program activity on every level.
• Assist and accompany World Bank supervision missions
• Assist the Head of the Satker/CPICU in ensuring that all policies in the Financing Agreement,
Grant Agreement, Project Appraisal Document are fulfilled and complied (such as planning and
annual report), also following up the Aide Memoire report from the Bank.
• Assist and accompany CPICU in preparing the data and information for the auditing which is
related to the financial and procurement internal control conducted by an auditor
• BPKP/Inspectorate General-MoNE/
assist CPICU in following up every finding on such supervision and to be conducted in each fiscal
• Support the works which have been done by RMC
• Accompany and assist supervision missions which are done by the World Bank and CPICU on
the field visit to the RMC region including block grant beneficiaries location in the village
community group.
• Graduate in Engineering/
• Experience as a management and community development specialist
• At least 12 years experience as a team leader or in a related job
• Experience with Early Childhood Education and Development is an advantage
• Experience in Indonesia (nationwide)
• Experience with World Bank or other international financial institutions funded projects
• English proficiency, oral and written. Preferably speak Bahasa.
• Ability to manage a team of experts and to work as a team
• Computer software experience (Word, spread sheet and software project management, power
5 persons – 1 in each region (Medan, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya and Makassar): each of them coordinate, monitor and evaluate ECED program activities with each of the RMC according to the regional, will work in collaboration with TEAM LEADER to:
• Coordinate, monitor and evaluate ECED program activities with each of the RMC according to
the regional plans.
• Prepare all the planning details for the ECED program for every region.
• Supervise and monitor all the ECED program activities.
• Solve daily problems.
• Ensure that the flow of information is running well from and to the field through 5 regional RMCs.
• Ensure that the flow of information is running well from and to the Head of the Satker/ CPICU.
• Evaluate whether ECED program targets are achieved as planned.
• Ensure that the program is managed according to The World Bank Guidelines and Project
Operation Manual and Operation Manual for the activities of ECED Program service in
community level.
• Support the Head of the Satker PAUD/CPICU in implementing consistently between ECED
program activities and development targets.
• Support the Head of the Satker PAUD/CPICU in preparing quarterly reports of the procurement
and IFR (Interim Financial Report) to be submitted to the Bank.
• Prepare Mid Annual Progress Report and Annual Progress Report to be submitted to the Bank.
• Coordinate with all the individual consultants both international and local in order to be able to
work according to the job description in the ToR, so that each of the results will be recorded in
the project progress report.
• Coordinate with the Team Adhoc in setting National ECED Standards and BSNP (Badan
Standarisasi Nasional Pendidikan) in implementing all the trainings and workshops for quality
assurance in order to run all the trainings and workshops for quality assurance as scheduled in
the procurement plan per fiscal year so that the results can be recorded into the project progress
• Coordinate with the Impact Study consultant in implementing the impact evaluation of the ECED
program periodically based on the job description
• Coordinate with the RMCs in developing monthly Progress Report and IFR each quarter
• Prepare data for the project monitoring quarterly reports each fiscal year as an information for the
coordination meeting with the Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation for development funding,
• Continued communication and maintaining a good relationship with the Head of Satker
PAUD/CPICU and also with the deputy director of PAUD Directorate as a technical supervisor of
the ECED Program in every program activity on every level.
• Assist and accompany World Bank mission supervisions.
• Assist the Head of the Satker/CPICU in ensuring that all policies in the Financing Agreement,
Grant Agreement, Project Appraisal Document are fulfilled and complied (such as planning and
annual report), also following up the Aide Memoire report from the Bank.
• Assist and accompany CPICU in preparing the data and information for the auditing which is
related to the financial and procurement internal control conducted by an auditor
• BPKP/Inspectorate General-MoNE/
assist CPICU in following up every finding on such supervision and to be conducted in each fiscal
• Support the works which have been done by RMC
• Accompany and assist supervision missions which are done by the World Bank and CPICU on
the field visit to the RMC region including block grant beneficiaries location in the village
community group.
• Manage every complaint and objection which is delivered to the CPICU, PPICU (Regional
Offices) and District Project Implementing Unit (DPIU) with the complaint handling system that
has to be developed by NMC and that must be followed up by related institutions and make
sure that this feedback is channeled to the concerned stakeholders and to the public
• Graduate (MA) in Engineering/
• Experience as a management and community development specialist
• At least 8 years experience as an assistant of the team leader or in a related job
• Experience with Early Childhood Education and Development is an advantage
• Experience in Indonesia (nationwide)
• Experience with World Bank or other international financial institutions funded projects
• English proficiency, oral and written. Preferably speak Bahasa.
• Ability to work as a team
• Computer software experience (Word, spread sheet, project management software, power
The Tasks will
• Capacity building of PPICU and DPIU and the relevant experts in strengthening and developing
• Support the RMCs in strengthening DPIU institution building in relation to ECED in the
• Facilitate the review and strengthening of ECED institutional development in the field based on
exchange of experience and feedback to improve reporting, implementation and financial
• Graduate (MA) in Engineering/
• At least 8 years experience as a specialist of institutional strengthening and capacity building or
in a related job in the field of management consultancy at a nationwide level, in specific related
to handling institutional strengthening and capacity building
• Experience in Indonesia (nationwide)
• Experience with World Bank or other international financial institutions funded projects
• English proficiency, oral and written. Preferably speak Bahasa.
• Ability to work as a team
• Computer software experience (Word, and spread sheet).
Key Tasks:
• Evaluate whether ECED Program results are achieved as planned and targeted.
• Support the Head of the Satker PAUD/CPICU in preparing IFR (Interim Financial Report) to be
submitted to the Bank.
• Prepare Mid Annual Progress Reports and Annual Progress Reports.
• Prepare data for the project monitoring quarterly reports each fiscal year as information for the
coordination meeting with the Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation for development funding,
• Coordinate and monitor the RMCs in development of monthly Progress Reports, specifically in
relation to financial and IFR quarterly reports.
• Support the Head of the Satker/CPICU in ensuring that all the policies in the Financing
Agreement, Grant Agreement, Project Appraisal Document are fulfilled and complied (such as
planning and annual reporting) as well as following up the Aide Memoire report from the Bank.
• Support and accompany the CPICU in preparing all data and information for the audit which is
related to the financial and procurement internal control done by an auditor (BPKP/Inspectorate
following up every finding on such supervision for each fiscal year
• Graduate (MA) in Management/Economic
• At least 8 years working experience as a financial specialist with relevant jobs in the field of
management consultancy nationwide level especially in developing project financial report/
project consolidated balance sheet, Replenishment/
funded by the World Bank or other international financial institutions.
• Experience in Indonesia (nationwide)
• Experience with World Bank or other international financial institutions funded projects
• English proficiency, oral and written. Preferably speak Bahasa.
• Ability to work as a team
• Computer software experience (Word, and spread sheet).
Key Tasks:
• Monitor the progress of implementation of all activities in the provinces/districts and in the field
from RMCs/Provinces/
• Assist the Co.Team Leaders (5 persons) to validate data of ECED program activities with each
of the RMCs according to the regional plans.
• Assist the Co.Team Leaders in managing every complaint and objection which is delivered to the
CPICU, PPICU (Regional Offices) and District Project Implementing Unit (DPIU) with the
complaint handling system that has to be developed by NMC and that must be followed up by
related institutions and make sure that this feedback is channeled to the concerned stakeholders
and to the public.
• Monitor and evaluate project implementation progress including all activities in the
provinces/districts and in the field from RMCs/Provinces/
monthly and annual target plans) and achievement of the project performance indicators.
• Keep the matrix of the Project Performance Indicators updated
• Graduate (MA) in Engineering/
• At least 5 years experience as a management and community development specialist
• At least 5 years experience with project monitoring and evaluation
• Experience with Early Childhood Education and Development is an advantage
• Experience in Indonesia (nationwide)
• Experience with World Bank or other international financial institutions funded projects
• English proficiency, oral and written
• Ability to work as a team
• Computer software experience (Word, spread sheet, and power point).
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