Latest Posting

Kamis, Oktober 25, 2007



Diberitahukan kepada alumni Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi/Manajemen Keuangan Universitas Gadjah Mada yang berminat untuk mengikuti proses seleksi di perusahaan kami, dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

  1. Telah menyelesaikan pendidikan D3 Akuntansi / Manajemen Keuangan
  2. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif minimal 2,75
  3. Laki-laki, usia maksimal 23 tahun
  4. Mempunyai kepribadian ulet, tekun dan loyal
  5. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (min. MS Office)
  6. Bersedia ditugaskan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT. Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama

Bagi alumni Fakultas EKonomi Jurusan Akuntansi/Manajemen Keuangan Universitas Gadjah Mada yang berminat, agar mengirimkan surat lamaran kerja lengkap (beserta CV, ijazah, transkrip nilai, dan pas foto terbaru) dan cantumkan kode jabatan di sudut kiri atas amplop, ditujukan kepada:

Departemen HRD
PT. Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama
Kantor Taman Bintaro Jaya Gedung B
Jl. Bintaro Raya, Jakarta 12330

Atau melalui website kami di alamat



PT. Astra INternational - Honda, Main Dealer sepeda motor Honda terbesar yang memiliki area distribusi di wilayah Jakarta, SumSel, Bengkulu, Jateng, DIY, KalBar, KalTim, SulSel-Ra, Bali, NTB, dan Papua mengajak Anda untuk berkarir sebagai:



  • Usia maksimal 27 th (SS), 25 th (PROM)
  • S1 semua jurusan
  • IPK minimal 2,75

Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, kirim lamaran lengkap ke:

Jl. Magelang Km 7,2 Jombor

Paling lambat Sabtu, 3 Nopember 2007



CV. KARYA HIDUP SENTOSA saat ini sedang membutuhkan lulusan S1 Akuntansi dan Manajemen, sebaga Staf Manajemen Trainee AKuntansi & Staf Manajemen Trainee Marketing


  1. Pria usia max. 30 tahun, S1 Manajemen untuk Trainee Marketing
    Wanita usia max. 30 tahun, S1 Akuntansi untuk rainee Akuntansi
  2. IPK minimal 3,00
  3. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
  4. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (minimal pasif)
  5. Menguasai Aplikasi MS Office
  6. Belum pernah melamar dan tes di CV. KARYA HIDUP SENTOSA

Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan lamaran ke:

Seksi Seleksi - Departemen Personalia
Jl. Magelang 144 Yogyakarta - 55241

dengan melampirkan:
1. Pas foto ukuran 4x6: 3 lembar
2. Daftar Riwayat Hidup: 1 lembar
3. Foto copy KTP: 1 lembar
4. Fotocopy Ijazah & Transkrip Nilai: 1 lembar
5. Mencantumkan nomor telepon yang dapat dihubungi


Urgently Required

A. Production (PROD)
B. Marketing (MKT)
C. Finance & Accounting (ACC)
D. Research & Development (R&D)
E. Information technology (IT)
F. Building Supervisor (BS)
G. HRD Officer (HRO)
H. Plantation Coordinator (PC)

  1. Male/Female max 30 years old
  2. Min. S1 majoring in Engineering, Instrumentation (A,B), Economic (C), Management, English Letter (B), Chemical Engineering, Chemical Science (D), Electrical, Information Technology, Computer Science (E), Civil Engineering (F), Psychology (G), Agriculture Technology, Agronomy, Soil Science (H), with GPA 2,75
  3. Good managerial skill. Having experience will be advantage
  4. Strong leadership and interpersonal skill.
  5. Fluent in English both verbal and written
  6. Target oriented, creative, proactive, flexible, responsible, independent & self starter
  7. Willing to be stationed in Kudus or Jakarta (B) and to travel frequently to perform his duties
If you meet the requirements and are interested in facing future challenges with Pura Group, please send your application letter, CV, photos, copy of Diploma, and certificate to:
Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
Up: Bpk. Taryono/Bpk. Dwi S.
Open House Rekrutmen Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, October 29th, 2007, 09.00 - end.

Please state the position code on the top left side of the envelop.


TAHUN 2007

Dalam rangka mengisi lowongan formasi CPNS Tahun Anggaran 2007, sebagaimana ditetapkan dengan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor: KEP/250/M.PAN/10/2007, tanggal 11 Oktober 2007, Sekretariat Negara RI membuka kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Republik Indonesia yang berminat menjadi CPNS di lingkungan Sekretariat Negara RI. Untuk informasi selengkapnya silahkan lihat di sini


Pelamar diharuskan datang sendiri ke Gedung Krida Bhakti, Sekretariat Negara RI, Jl. Veteran No. 12 A Jakarta Pusat untuk mengambil dan mengambalikan formulir pendaftaran pada hari Selasa - Jumat, 23 - 26 Oktober 2007, pukul 08.30 - 15.00 WIB, dengan membawa bukti identitas diri (KTP/SIM) dan copy Ijazah serta transkrip nilai yang dilegalisasi oleh pejabat yang berwenang.


We, a growing lighting automation system company with prestigious solution products and supported by qualified solution principal in Singapore and Perth, would like to open the job vacancy as following:

The task: Opening new accounts, proposing automation solution, and dealing the project
The requirement:
- Male / Female, min 23 years old, bachelor/S1 program background
- 2 - 3 years experience would be advantage, but motivated fresh graduate is encouraged to apply
- Sales and result oriented people, hardworker, high motivation to achieve the target and career.
- Able to conduct the presentation and propose solution to board of management
- Able to interact with all level of people
- Willing to learn, understand, and explore the products and solutions.

The task: Preparing the program and solution due to requirement, deploying the design and solution for the project
The requirement:
- Male / Female, min 23 years old, bachelor/S1 program background.
- Major in electronics, instrumentation and control would be preferred
- 2 - 3 years experience would be advantage, but motivated fresh graduate is encouraged to apply
- High motivation, willing to work hard, and able to interact with management people
- Willing to learn and explore new products and solutions

Competitive remuneration and potential career growth would be offered to the selected candidates, includes abroad training.
Please send the resume to Mr. Gunawan through email, latest 2 weeks upon the announcement.

Sales Executive at MNC Lubricant Company

our client is multinational Company acknowledged as the world's leading specialist provider of lubrication solutions with 10.000 employees worldwide and has a presence in more than 150 countries. It was set up in 1998 and it has successful track record for the last 5 years.

We have an aggressive growth plan in Indonesia and we are looking for the following position:

SALES EXECUTIVE (5 PERSON). for East and West Indonesia location

Technical skill:
1. Responsible to manage distributor include their sales team (provide training, coaching sales

2. Achieving sales target.
3. Monitoring distributor'

s sales performance.

Education and Experience:
1. Male or female age between 30 – 35 years old
2. University Degree wit GPA 3.00 with scale 4 (preferable)
3. Willing to travel / relocate in all over Indonesia
4. Experience in consumer good company (prefereble)

Basic Skill:
Computer: Ms. Office (word, excel, power point & outlook)
Language: Fluent in English both spoken and written

Applications are treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates shall be notified. To apply, please email your career details with quoting the position you are applying for in subject line

JOB Vacancy Marketing Executive

We are Outsourcing company seeking a professional candidate to fill below position :

Marketing Executive (Testing and Certification)

Requirements :
Male / Female
Bachelor Degree from a reputable University
Minimum 2-3 years experience in Sales and Marketing
Relevant experience and network in Testing and Certification industry eg. ISO certification, product certification is a must
Good command of spoken and written English
Highly motivated, proactive, resourceful and customer oriented
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Able to work under pressure

If you meet the requirements, please do send your application, cv, recent photograph, and expected salary to:
Plaza DM 6th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.25
Jakarta 12920
Phone : (021) 5229916 - 21, Fax (021) 5229922
Up : Ms. Bunga / Ms. Fanya/ Putri
or email : / /

Lowongan Marketing Manager (Majalah Otomotif)

Kami sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam Media / Majalah Otomotif yang sedang berkembang, saat ini kami membutuhkan karyawan untuk Posisi :

Marketing Manager

Sumary Uraian Tugas :
- Membuat & mengelola implementasi strategy marketing Majalah, meliputi strategy untuk
mendapatkan Iklan dan jaringan distribusi majalah

- Mengelola Tim untuk mendapatkan & maintenance Client yang akan memasang iklan di Majalah
- Mengelola Tim untuk mendapatkan & maintenance jaringan distribusi Majalah

Persyaratan :
- Memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama minimal 3 tahun
- Memiliki data base client yang biasa pasang iklan di Majalah
- Memiliki data base jaringan distribusi Majalah

Jika Anda memenuhi persyaratan, silahkan kirimkan CV Anda serta tuliskan berapa actual Salary & Salary yang Anda Inginkan ke alamat Email :
Paling lambat tanggal 31 Oktober 2007
For more information on ASCO Automotive, please visit us at

Any information transmitted in this e-mail do not necessarily represent ASCO Automotive and should not be construed as the views, offers or acceptances of ASCO Automotive. Any use, review, reliance or dissemination of this message in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.


Salah satu perusahaan Rent a CAR di group kami membutuhkan SALES EXECUTIVE dengan kualifikasi :

Lamaran Lengkap dapat dikirimkan ke
HRD Dept.,
Jl. Ronggolawe 6 Surabaya
atau email ke


PT. Alliance Teamwork Marketing, yang kedudukan di Komp. Rukan Mangga Dua Square Blok G No. 1-3 saat ini membutuhkan : 1 orang Programmer (code : PG) dan 1 orang Graphic Designer (code : GD) dan Acounting

Jabatan Programmer :
1. Pendidikan Minimal S1
2. Mengusai Aplikasi
- Visual Basic 6.0
- Visula Basic. Net
- Ms. Sql Server
- Crystal Report
3. Mengerti Migrate Code dari Visual Basic 6 ke Visual Basic. Net
4. Pengalaman dibidangnya min 1 tahun
5. Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
6. Pria
7. Belum Menikah

Jabatan : Graphic Designer (code GD)
1. Pendidikan Minimal S1
2. Menguasai Aplikasi :
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe in design
- Adobe Illustrator
- Macromedia Freehand
- Corel Draw
3. Memiliki Pengetahuan dasar Adobe Premier
4. Pengalaman min 1 tahun
5. Inovatif, good sense of Art.
6. Pria / Maksimal usia 27 tahun
7. Belum Menikah

Acounting (AC)
1. Pendidikan Min S1
2. Jurusan Acounting
3. Mengerti Masalah Perpajakan
4. Bisa Membuat laporan keuangan (Profit & Loss & balance Sheet)
5. Budgetting
6. Pria/Wanita

Lamaran lengkap diterima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 5 November 2007 , ditujukan kepada Bpk. Leo / Ade (021-62313600) /atau email ke

Urgently Required PRODUCT SPECIALIST!!!

PT. TATA BISNIS SOLUSI merupakan perusahaan konsultan IT yang bergerak di bidang penyedia solusi sistem manajemen dokumen dan proses kerja. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang inovatif dan dinamis untuk menduduki posisi sebagai:

Kualifikasi :
1. Pria, usia 24 - 28 tahun.
2. Pendidikan min. S1 dari jurusan Teknik Informatika atau Sistem Informasi dari universitas
terkemuka (diutamakan lulusan Bina Nusantara dan
3. Pengalaman bekerja di bidang IT minimal 2 - 3 tahun, terutama dalam pengembangan software.
4. Memiliki manajemen waktu yang baik dalam pengaturan jadwal kerja.
5. Aktif dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan
6. Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001
7. Menyukai bidang Pemasaran.
8. Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas dalam dan luar kota/pulau

Jika Anda memenuhi kriteria tersebut di atas, silakan kirim lamaran lengkap (dilengkapi CV, pas foto, dan fotokopi KTP) ke:
Jl. Alaydrus No. 73 B
Jakarta 10130
atau kirimkan melalui email ke (maks. 100 KB)
Kami tunggu lamaran anda paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini tayang.

JOB VACANCY (Maintenance Building)

Kami perusahaan outsourching sedang membutuhkan posisi MAINTENANCE BUILDING untuk salah satu klien kami yang bergerak di bidang elektronik, Jakarta.

Requirement :

Min. STM jurusan listrik / elektro
Usia maks. 30 tahun
Mampu berbahasa Inggris (min. pasif)
Pengalaman Min. 1 thn (pernah maintenance building)
Interpersonal Skill yang baik
Menguasai listrik (arus lemah dan arus kuat)
Kirim lamaran lengkap dan foto terbaru (paling lambat 29 Oktober 2007 pukul 17.00 WIB) ke :

PT. Prismas Jamintara
Plaza DM Lantai 6
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.25
Jakarta 12920
Telp. (021) 5229917-21 Fax (021) 5229922

Up. Ibu Bunga / Ibu Putri
atau email Ke / /

JOB VACANCY (Administrasi Asuransi Kerugian)

Kami perusahaan outsourching sedang membutuhkan posisi ADMINISTRASI ASURANSI KERUGIAN untuk salah satu klien kami yang bergerak di bidang asuransi, Jakarta.

Requirement :
Min. D3 jurusan asuransi
Usia maks. 30 tahun
Mampu berbahasa Inggris (min. pasif)
Pengalaman Min. 1 thn di bidang asuransi, terutama asuransi kerugian
Interpersonal Skill yang baik
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
Kirim lamaran lengkap dan foto terbaru (paling lambat 29 Oktober 2007 pukul 17.00 WIB) ke :

PT. Prismas Jamintara
Plaza DM Lantai 6
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.25
Jakarta 12920
Telp. (021) 5229917-21 Fax (021) 5229922

Up. Ibu Bunga Istiqomah atau email ke

Urgently Required: IT Database Specialist

We seek your approval and assistance to forward this information on exciting career opportunity to your members. Thank you for helping.

IT Database Specialist

General Requirement:

Experience and have a broad knowledge in writing SQL query language.(mandatory

Can create database object (table, trigger, view, etc) in SQL Server environment.(mandatory)
Can create stored procedure, function, trigger in Transact-SQL.
Have knowledge in creating batch job with SQL-DTS.(moderate)
Do SQL syntax and database tuning.(moderate)
Good analytics skill in business users requirement.
Create and design report with Crystal Report. (optional)
Have knowledge and understanding of database design and its object. (mandatory)

Please submit your Application Letter, CV and Recent Photograph to

Dibutuhkan ASP Programmer Untuk Software E-Commerce (Jakarta) URGENT

Dibutuhkan IT-Support di Rocksalt International Pty. Ltd untuk support program e-commerce VP-ASP ( dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1. Mengerti programming web khususnya ASP
2. Bisa berbahasa Inggris
3. Minimal D3 segala jurusan
4. Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta
5. Permanent position available

Jika berminat kirimkan CV dan surat lamaran ke, Seluruh lamaran yang masuk akan kita proses.

Untuk informasi leboh lanjut silahkan akses di
Thank you

Best Regards,
Wahyudin Aziz


We are an establish real estate property agent, currently looking for many candidates to fill vacant positions below :


age min 20 years old Good
appearance, self motivated, creative, energetic No
experience required

Please submit the CV, cover letter and photograph to:
PT. Roy Weston Indonesia
Komp.Permata Senayan Blok E 59 – 60 Lt. 2
Jl. Tentara Pelajar, Senayan,
Jakarta 12210

up : Antonius


Andalabs Technology merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam
bidang informasi dan teknologi, berlokasi di Jakarta, membutuhkan
seorang programmer dengan syarat sebagai berikut :

- Pria/wanita
- Pendidikan D3/S1
- Usia maksimal 27 thn
- Terbuka untuk fresh graduate
- Menguasai php, mysql, javascript
- Memiliki kemampuan yang bagus untuk analisa

Jika Anda berminat, silahkan kirim lamaran anda ke

Urgently Required PRODUCT SPECIALIST!!!

PT. TATA BISNIS SOLUSI merupakan perusahaan konsultan IT yang bergerak di bidang penyedia solusi sistem manajemen dokumen dan proses kerja. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang inovatif dan dinamis untuk menduduki posisi sebagai:

Kualifikasi :
1. Pria, usia 24 - 28 tahun.
2. Pendidikan min. S1 dari jurusan Teknik Informatika atau Sistem Informasi dari universitas
terkemuka (diutamakan lulusan Bina Nusantara dan
3. Pengalaman bekerja di bidang IT minimal 2 - 3 tahun, terutama dalam pengembangan software.
4. Memiliki manajemen waktu yang baik dalam pengaturan jadwal kerja.
5. Aktif dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan
6. Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001
7. Menyukai bidang Pemasaran.
8. Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas dalam dan luar kota/pulau

Jika Anda memenuhi kriteria tersebut di atas, silakan kirim lamaran lengkap (dilengkapi CV, pas foto, dan fotokopi KTP) ke:
Jl. Alaydrus No. 73 B
Jakarta 10130
atau kirimkan melalui email ke (maks. 100 KB)
Kami tunggu lamaran anda paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini tayang.

Lowongan Administrasi (Female) - butuh SEGERA

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang outsourcing, membutuhkan segera 1(satu) orang Administrasi, dengan syarat-syarat di bawah ini:

- Wanita
- Pendidikan minimal D3
- Status Lajang
- Umur maximum 25 tahun
- Bisa mengetik dengan system 10 jari
- Bisa berbahasa Inggeris aktif lisan dan tulisan
- Mampu bekerja under pressure
- Mampu bekerja overtime
- Mampu bekerja cepat, teliti
- Berpenampilan cantik
- Sehat rohani dan jasmani
- Bisa presentasi (lebih diutamakan)
- Berdomisili Jakarta Selatan (lebih diutamakan)

Kirim CV ke Email:
Ketik dalam Subject Email: Administrasi
Lowongan ditutup ahir Oktober 2007.

Lowongan Beberapa Posisi

Sebuah industry bahan bangunan yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan staff untuk posisi sbb:


Sales Executive (S1 semua Jurusan/Fresh Graduate)
Sales Admin (D3 semua Jurusan/Fresh Graduate)

HRD Staff (S1 Law/Min 5tahun exp sebagai HRD)
Accounting Staff (S1 Accounting/Min 5 tahun exp di Industry)
PPIC Supervisor (S1 Teknik/Teknik Industry min 3 tahun)
Logistic Supervisor (S1 Teknik/Ekonomi min 3 tahun)
Production Supervisor (S1 Teknik Mesin/Min 3 tahun)
QA Supervisor (S1 Teknik Mesin/Elektro)
Persyaratan untuk semua posisi :

Computer literate
Lebih disukai bisa berbahasa mandarin tapi bukan persyaratan.
Memahami ISO 9001, 5R, TQM untuk semua posisi kecuali Fresh Graduate.
Lamaran ditujukan ke: dalam format Word atau PDF max 2 halaman.


[Urgently Required]: Technical Representative - Automation & Control

Choosing the company where you will invest your time and employ your talents is one of the most important decisions of your life. You want an innovative leader, a strong company with the resources to offer you significant opportunities — and reward your contributions through excellent compensation and benefits, career enhancement and continuous learning.

Retained by many reputable national and international companies, *Jakarta Search & Selection* has proved for consistently delivering high caliber profiles. Introduced as an independent search & recruitment consultant, we proactively search out high quality sales, finance, personnel and technical professionals.

Currently our Client is looking for young Indonesian people to fill the following position. You can become part of the collective energy of more than 18,000 employees serving customers in 80 countries; customers who utilize our automation and power control and conversion technologies as a competitive advantage. Their customers rely on them to get their products and services to market faster, reduce costs, better utilize power and plant-floor assets, and minimize risks in their manufacturing environments.

Position Title
*Technical Representative, Automation & Control* **
Location of Position
Position Summary
Responsible for effective sales effort in an assigned territory, including
developing new customer accounts, advising customers on products adaptations
and introducing new product to customers.

Duties include:
1. Meet or exceed fiscal sales quota.
2. Drive company Growth Initiatives.
3. Develop business relationships with key decision makers at top accounts.
4. Embrace the company's disciplined sales process.
5. Manage all aspects of the relationship with assigned channel partners (distributors) including
business planning and development to grow sales and
market share, account/opportunity
management, market/competitor analysis,
competency, contractual requirements, product
launches, and key business
6. Assist in coordinating internal and external resources to accomplish sales objectives.

Minimum Qualifications
- Degree in Electrical Engineering or related disciplines from reputable universities with minimum
GPA of 2.90. Additional business
course work preferred.
- Minimum 4 (four) years extensive automation & control sales/application/
service experience in
the industry.

- Good communication, inter-personal, coordination and presentation skills.
- Proficient and fluent in English.
- Possess own vehicle preferred.
- Non smoking profiles preferred.

If you're looking for a proven, successful company with leading positions in global markets, then you need to submit your detailed resume in English together with details of your remuneration package to: ** not later than *seven days after this ad publication. * Please quote the position applied in the subject of your email.
We also have various vacant positions with other valuable Clients. If you think of developing your career by joining other company, please post your resume to the above address.

For further information about our services, please visit our mini site:
com/minisite/jakartasearch *

Urgently Required : MARKETING in FInancial Institution

People Development Agency
is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources. Have wide range client from property, electronic, embassy, logistic, telecommunication, financial institution, hospital to shipping. One of our services is Executive Search

One of our client, a well-known financial institution located in Jakarta , is urgently looking for young, energetic, and highly motivated professionals to join them as :

Marketing - Personal Investment Assistant (pda-063)
Qualification :
1. Female/male age 22-28 years old
2. Good communication skills and persuasive
3. Like challenge, sociable, adaptable
4. Proficiency in English
5. Good appearance and attractive
6. Having interest in marketing field
7. Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply

Facility :
1. Fix income
2. Incentive
3. Promising career path
4. THR, medication and other benefit

Please email your application letter, detailed CV (include detail job desc), and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. For example (yourname-pda 063)

Thank you for your kind attention.

Urgently Required : MARKETING - Personal Investment Assistant

People Development Agency
is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources. Have wide range client from property, electronic, embassy, logistic, telecommunication, financial institution, hospital to shipping. One of our services is Executive Search

One of our client, a well-known financial institution located in Jakarta , is urgently looking for young, energetic, and highly motivated professionals to join them as :

Marketing - Personal Investment Assistant (pda-063)
Qualification :
1. Female/male age 22-28 years old
2. Good communication skills and persuasive
3. Like challenge, sociable, adaptable
4. Proficiency in English
5. Good appearance and attractive
6. Having interest in marketing field
7. Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply

Facility :
1. Fix income
2. Incentive
3. Promising career path
4. THR, medication and other benefit

Please email your application letter, detailed CV (include detail job desc), and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. For example (yourname-pda 063)

Thank you for your kind attention

Job opportunities Hotel Ibis Slipi


Hotel Ibis Slipi – Jakarta is strategically located on Jl. Letjen. S. Parman, 5 minutes from Central Business District, 25 minutes from the Airport and close to Taman Anggrek (the biggest mall in South East Asia). It has 334 Standards Rooms, 3 Suites Rooms and 1 Apartment.

Ibis Slipi’s also include "La Table", and “Bistro” Restaurants; Onyx Bar, banquets facilities Health Club and Swimming Pool.

General requirements
- Single, max. 25 years old, except 35 years for (3)
- Min. 1(one) year experience in similar position and industry (1-5)
- Tourism School/College (1-3), secretary college(4), Economy/Marketing /Tourism background (5)
- Good command of English, both oral & written (1-5)
- Energetic person, service oriented, good appearance and grooming (1-5), have leadership and
interpersonal skill (3)

Please send your application letter, CV and latest photograph to :
email :
via pos :
Asst. Human Resources Manager
Hotel Ibis Slipi
Jl. Letjen S Parman Kav 59
Jakarta 11066
at the latest on 10 November 2007
- Only qualified candidates will be notified -

Vacancy for R&D Engineer


PT. INTERNEX INDONESIA is a PMA company. We are specialize for design Multi Layer PCB in Indonesia. With support of Human Resource, Knowledge and Technology, we are the fist company in Indonesia which has ability to design Multi Layer PCB.

Due to our strengthen human resources, we need professional staff who posses dynamic, trusty, open minded, innovative and high level to join our growing team as :
R & D Engineer

Qualification :
Male – Female, Max. age 28 years old.
Minimum D3 from reputable university, majoring in Electro or Electronic, with GPA 2.80 or more.
Good communication skill, team work, initiative, hardworking, and result oriented.
Self motivated and able to work under high pressure
Must be fluent in English both oral and written.
Good computer skill and have basic knowledge about UNIX Operation System.
Experience in PCB Design Software ( Zuken ) will be majored.
Recommended minimum 2 years experience in electronic company (Fresh graduated are welcome to apply).

If you meet you requirement, you are welcome to submit your application latter
along with complete documentation to :

Human Resources Manager

Jl. Kapten Tandean No. 82 Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan 12790
Or send CV with recent photograph to :


Imagine a place where you're accepted for you, Not forcing you into some ill-fitting mold that big
business wants you to be. A place where individuality reigns supreme, and your"corporate identity" is
anything you'd like it to be. Sound too good to be true? Not at the HARD ROCK CAFE. A Job with Hard Rock Cafe is like no other, and we're looking for people like you who live without limits, creative and appreciate good music and good food, to help us continue our 35-year tradition of HARD ROCK.

Send your rockin' resume to

Vacancy as Marketing or Purchasing


Due to fast growing businees in PCB Assembly, we need professional staff who posses dynamic, trusty, open minded, innovative and high level to fill several position as follow :

Qualification :
Male – Female, Max. age 32 years old.
Good communication skill, team work, initiative, hardworking, and result oriented.
Self motivated and able to work under high pressure
Must be fluent in English both oral and written.
Good computer skill
Have knowledge and experience in PCB Assembly or Electronic Company.
Minimum 2 years experience as sales engineer in manufacturing industry or equivalent.
Good knowledge and wide relationship in industrial or manufacturing is an advantage

Qualification :
Male – Female, Max. age 32 years old.
Good communication skill, team work, initiative, hardworking, and result oriented.
Self motivated and able to work under high pressure
Must be fluent in English both oral and written.
Good computer skill
Have knowledge and experience in PCB Assembly or Electronic Company.
Minimum 2 years experience as purchasing in manufacturing industry or equivalent.

If you meet you requirement, you are welcome to submit your application latter
along with complete documentation to :
Human Resources Manager
Jl. Kapten Tandean No. 82 Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan 12790
Or send CV with recent photograph to : or

DIBUTUHKAN Tenaga Administrasi

Dibutuhkan untuk sebuah perusahaan Percetakan dan Rumah Design di Jakarta Selatan seorang tenaga administrasi dengan kualifikasi :

- Wanita
- Usia maksimum 25 tahun
- Pendidikan terakhir SMEA akuntansi - D3
- Menguasai Komputer MS Word , EXCELL
- Menguasai dasar Akuntansi
- Diutamakan tinggal di Jakarta Selatan

Kirim Aplikasi dengan Photo terbaru ke

T & D Manager

Urgently required !!

PRISMAS Executive Search
AIMES Leadership Development

Our Client, an International Express Courier and Logistics Company, is urgently seeking dynamic professionals to strengthen their growing team. We invite qualified executives to fill the following position:

Main Responsibilities:
· Manage the company’s training framework and services that are aligned to its strategic plans and
support the company’s culture of a Learning Organization.

· Assist in the continuous development of competent, capable and committed people.

Main Requirements: · Bachelor Degree from a reputable university.
· 5 – 8 years relevant Human Resource experience depending on size and requirements of
Country Specialist Human Resource qualification.

· Experience in conducting training in companies.
· Professional Human Resource affiliations (Human Resource Institute of Management or

· Psychometric Testing and Assessment Centre qualifications.
· Excellent presentation, facilitation and training skills.
· Experience in Project Management
· Good skills for understanding adult learning.
· Good software skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
· Good command of spoken and written English.

A Competitive Remuneration Package Will Be Given To The Right Candidate Depending on Experience
Please Send your CV, Photograph, and Profile Now to


Urgently required !!

PRISMAS Executive Search
AIMES Leadership Development
Our Client, an International Express Courier and Logistics Company, is urgently seeking dynamic professionals to strengthen their growing team.
We invite qualified executives to fill the following position:

Requirements: · Bachelor Degree in any discipline from a reputable university.
· Must have Customs Broker License or PPJK Certification from Customs Department.
· 5 – 7 years relevant experience of working with customs within transportation, logistics or
import/export industry.

· 3 years experience in a leadership role.
· Good network of relationships with local authorities.
· Computer software skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc).
· Good command of spoken and written English.
· Excellent interpersonal skills, high integrity, resourceful, good in problem solving.
· Able to work under pressure.

Salary : About Rp. 8,000,000, - Rp. 11,000,000,- / month (gross)
Please Send your CV, Photograph, and Profile Now to


PRISMAS Executive Search
AIMES Leadership Development

Our Client, an International Express Courier and Logistics Company, is urgently seeking for dynamic professionals to strengthen their growing team. We invite qualified executives to fill the following position:

Requirements: · Diploma/Bachelors Degree from reputable University or equivalent.
· 5 years experience in Customer Care or related capacity.
· 3 years experience in a management capacity in Customer Care or related capacity
· Experience in the Air Express / Banking / Insurance industry (preferable)

· Customer Contact Centre Management Skills, particularly in Customer Satisfaction and Service
· Experience in handling claims and legal issues.

Salary : About Rp. 8,000,000, - Rp. 12,000,000,- / month (gross)
Please Send your CV, Photograph, and Profile Now to


PRISMAS Executive Search
AIMES Leadership Development

Our Client, an International Express Courier and Logistics Company, is urgently seeking for dynamic professionals to strengthen their growing team. We invite qualified executives to fill the following positions:

Requirements: · Diploma/Bachelors Degree from reputable University or equivalent,
· 3 years experience in a related capacity or a development role within Customer Service or a
Customer Service related function

· 1 year experience in a management capacity
· Experience in development of training materials and delivery of training
· Experience in contact centre operations and environment, with emphasis on revenue generation

· Experience in the Air Express Industry and in Customer Service (preferable)

Salary : About Rp. 8,000,000, - Rp. 12,000,000,- / month (gross)
Send your CV, Photograph, and Profile Now to


PRISMAS Executive Search
AIMES Leadership Development

Our Client, an International Express Courier and Logistics Company, is urgently seeking for dynamic professionals to strengthen their growing team.
We invite qualified executives to fill the following position:

Requirements: · Diploma/Bachelors Degree from reputable University in Business or related discipline,
· 5 years experience in Key Account Management
· 3 years experience in a management capacity in Key Account Management

Salary : About Rp. 8,000,000, - Rp. 12,000,000,- / month (gross)

Send your CV, Photograph, and Profile Now to


PRISMAS Executive Search
AIMES Leadership Development

Our Client, an International Express Courier and Logistics Company, is urgently seeking dynamic professionals to strengthen their growing team. We invite qualified executives to fill the following position:

Requirements: · Bachelor Degree in Logistics/Technical

· 8 years relevant experience as a Project Implementation Manager in a Logistics environment.
· Experience in managing complex matrix organization (functional experts in different functional
· Experience with project software, preferably PERT and/or MS Project.
· Experience with Express Courier network or Express Logistics environment preferred.
· Experience with consultancy companies (desirable).
· Numerical skills.
· Statistical analysis.
· Understanding of large scale integer programming models, concepts and packages.
· Supply chain management skills (excellent).
· Economic skills (desirable).
· Operational research skills eg. scheduling and network modeling.
· Excellent computer software skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc)
· Good command of spoken and written English.
· Good interpersonal skills, high integrity, resourceful, good in problem solving.
· Able to work under pressure.

Salary : About Rp. 7,500,000, - Rp. 11,000,000,- / month (gross)
Please Send your CV, Photograph, and Profile Now to


Urgently required !!

PRISMAS Executive Search
AIMES Leadership Development

Our Client, an International Express Courier and Logistics Company, is urgently seeking dynamic professionals to strengthen their growing team. We invite qualified executives to fill the following position:

Main Responsibilities:
· Manage the company’s training framework and services that are aligned to its strategic plans and
support the company’s culture of a Learning Organization.

· Assist in the continuous development of competent, capable and committed people.

Main Requirements: · Bachelor Degree from a reputable university.
· 5 – 8 years relevant Human Resource experience depending on size and requirements of
Country Specialist Human Resource qualification.

· Experience in conducting training in companies.
· Professional Human Resource affiliations (Human Resource Institute of Management or

· Psychometric Testing and Assessment Centre qualifications.
· Excellent presentation, facilitation and training skills.
· Experience in Project Management
· Good skills for understanding adult learning.
· Good software skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
· Good command of spoken and written English.

A Competitive Remuneration Package Will Be Given To The Right Candidate Depending on Experience
Please Send your CV, Photograph, and Profile Now to

Credit Control & Collection Manager

Urgently required !!

PRISMAS Executive Search
AIMES Leadership Development

Our Client, an International Express Courier and Logistics Company, is urgently seeking dynamic professionals to strengthen their growing team.
We invite qualified executives to fill the following position:

Requirements: · Bachelor Degree in Business/related discipline.
· 5 – 7 years relevant experience in Courier Express or Logistics industry (preferable)

· 3 years experience in management/supervisory position.
· Preferably with professional membership in credit industry (eg. Member of Institute of Credit
Management (UK), National Association of Credit Management (USA), Credit Institute of
Canada, HK Credit and Collection Management Association)
· Credit analysis and debt collection skills.
· Awareness of legal process and creditor’s rights.
· Financial Accounting knowledge.
· Computer software skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc).
· Good command of spoken and written English.
· High integrity, careful, detailed, strong in follow-up, resourceful, good in problem solving.
· Firm person with excellent interpersonal skills.
· Good customer service skills.

Salary : About Rp. 8,000,000, - Rp. 11,000,000,- / month (gross)
Send your CV, Photograph, and Profile Now to

Administrative Executive (URGENT)

Success Workz - a Soft-Skills Training Provider in Jakarta Pusat - is looking for the following:

Job Description
+ Conduct Administrative Tasks
+ Assist the Sales/Marketing Team
+ Translate Documents (English to Indo)

+ Female (below 35 yrs)
+ Qualification: Minimum D3
+ Fluent in English & Indonesian
+ Operate MS Outlook Express, MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

Ideal Candidate must Possess the following:
+ Independent & Willing to Learn
+ Positive, Proactive & Has Initiative
+ Creative & Able to Think-out-of-

+ Communicate well; orally & in writing

Please E-mail your CV and PHOTOGRAPH to by 29 October 07

oil&gas vacancies- sudan based

Pacific Oil & Gas (PO&G) is an independent energy resource development company operating throughout the energy supply chain from upstream through to midstream and downstream projects. The company is involved in projects in Indonesia and China using the latest proven technology and operated in accordance with internationally recognized safety and environmental standards.

Contact address:
Note: We only process applicants with title of position on subject email
Currently we are looking professionals to be based in SUDAN (Africa)
Manager up to General Manager level

Assistant Manager up to Manager level

-Priority for applicants who has international exposure
-This position is open for international staff
-Posses strong experience and expertise to related subject position
-Must have working experiences in oil & gas industry
-Good computer literate and Fluent in English

Please send complete resume and MUST write name of position on subject email, to:

Vacancy in Boutique Resot & Spa

A Boutique Resort & Spa in Ubud, Bali is looking for qualified candidate/s to fill the position as :
1. Executive Sous Chef
2. Sales Executive

General Requirement:
- Must have min 2 years experience in the same field.
- Good team player.
- Good command in English (written and speaking) and other foreign languages are preferable.
- Already live in Bali.
Please send your applicantion letter with a complete Curriculum Vitae in English and photograph by e-mail or by mail to :
Resort Manager
PO BOX 252 Gianyar - Bali 80500
HRD Department
Nucira Building
JL. Let.Jen. M.T. Haryono Kav.27,
Jakarta 12820.

vacancy : TELLER in International Bank

People Development Agency is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources. Have wide range client from property, electronic, embassy, logistic, telecommunication, financial institution, hospital to shipping. One of our services is Executive Search

Our clients is a well known Bank now is looking for young professional, who is committed to be part of their team as :

Teller (pda-056)
Teller Responsibilities:
Cashing checks, accepting deposits and loan payments, and processing withdrawals. They also may sell savings bonds, accept payment for customers’ utility bills and charge cards, process necessary paperwork for certificates of deposit, and sell travelers’ checks. Some tellers specialize in handling foreign currencies or commercial or business accounts.

· Female, 22-27 years old
· The ideal candidate should have a S1 Degree from any reputable university
· She should be able to speak and write in English
· Have good computer skills
· Good service and selling skills
· High accuracy
· Pleasant personality
· Attractive appearance
· Strong communication and interpersonal skill

Please email your application letter, detailed CV (include detail job desc), and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. For example (yourname-pda 056)

Urgently Needed For Document Controller & Designer Fabrication

We are from MBP Skill Indonesia, a leading reputable Human Resources Consultancy. Our client in Gold Mining Company looks for suitable candidates to fill the post of:

(MBP- 211-95) Dokument Controller
1. Minimum of 5 years in related field.
2. Education background: STM, D3 or Bachelor degree in related field.
3. Ability to use Auto CAD 2004 version and Database software.
4. Fluent in English.
5. Willing to be located in jobsite – Highland.
6. The contract will be per 6 month with possibility of extension for another 6 month depends on the
performance and needs.

(MBP-211-29) Designer Fabrication
Main responsibilities:
1. Prepare Engineering and workshop drawing for fabrication of steel item, in accordance with
Company's standard

2. Conduct field survey to obtain accurate information on the object & dimension based on client

3. 3 Prepare workshop fabrication drawing and marking plan with accurate, readable and

4. Check with other draftsman's drawing dimensional errors/omission and rectify if necessary
5. Re-detail incompatible workshop drawing to ensure they are accurate, readable and

Education and Working Experience
1. Technical High School / D3
2. 4 to 5 years of working experience as fabrication shop
3. 3 years of working experience as draftsmen

Core Competencies:
1. Trigonometric Knowledge
2. Manual skill drawing
3. Capable to Operate Auto CAD
4. Welding Knowledge
5. Sufficient in English
6. Good Personality tolerance, patience and approachable An attractive remuneration package
commensurate with experiences and
qualifications will be offered to the right candidate

your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your applications with CV and recent photo . And quote the above listed reference number of position. Please visit our web

Urgently Needed For Document Controller & Designer Fabrication

We are from MBP Skill Indonesia, a leading reputable Human Resources Consultancy. Our client in Gold Mining Company looks for suitable candidates to fill the post of:

(MBP- 211-95) Dokument Controller
1. Minimum of 5 years in related field.
2. Education background: STM, D3 or Bachelor degree in related field.
3. Ability to use Auto CAD 2004 version and Database software.
4. Fluent in English.
5. Willing to be located in jobsite – Highland.
6. The contract will be per 6 month with possibility of extension for another 6 month depends on the
performance and needs.

(MBP-211-29) Designer Fabrication
Main responsibilities:
1. Prepare Engineering and workshop drawing for fabrication of steel item, in accordance with
Company's standard

2. Conduct field survey to obtain accurate information on the object & dimension based on client

3. 3 Prepare workshop fabrication drawing and marking plan with accurate, readable and

4. Check with other draftsman's drawing dimensional errors/omission and rectify if necessary
5. Re-detail incompatible workshop drawing to ensure they are accurate, readable and

Education and Working Experience
1. Technical High School / D3
2. 4 to 5 years of working experience as fabrication shop
3. 3 years of working experience as draftsmen

Core Competencies:
1. Trigonometric Knowledge
2. Manual skill drawing
3. Capable to Operate Auto CAD
4. Welding Knowledge
5. Sufficient in English
6. Good Personality tolerance, patience and approachable
An attractive remuneration package commensurate with experiences and
qualifications will be offered to the right candidate

your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your applications with CV and recent photo . And quote the above listed reference number of position. Please visit our web www.mbp-skill.


Perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang ulet, dinamis & inovatif (kontrak selama 1 tahun) untuk posisi:

Kandidat akan bertanggung jawab dalam menangani pembuatan/maintenan

program-program di Business Operation.
- S1 Information Technology (Computer Science)
- 2 th pengalaman kerja (Fresh grad dipertimbangkan)
- Familiar dengan IT hardware and software (server, database programming, networking and
internet, troubleshooting)
- Menguasai web programming (HTML, PHP, MySQL, ASP, MS-SQL)

Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi, kirimkan CV ke email:

lowongan Marketing Support

PT. Novell Pharmaceutical Lab. sebagai salah satu perusahaan farmasi yang dinamis dan berkembang di Indonesia, membuka lowongan bagi Anda yang memiliki kemauan kerja yang tinggi dan dinamis, sebagai :

Kriteria :
- Pria, usia maks 26 tahun
- Pendidikan min STM bangunan / perkayuan
- Baru lulus atau berpengalaman 1 tahun di bidang perkayuan
- Penempatan di Head Office Jakarta

- Wanita, usia maks 25 tahun
- Pendidikan D3 jurusan Marketing / Ekonomi Manajemen / Public Relation / Farmasi / Biologi
atau SMA jurusan IPA

- Pengalaman min 1 tahun sebagai Customer Service / Public Relation
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer dan menguasai program Windows
- Penempatan di Semarang

Bagi Anda yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut, dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran, CV, dan pasfoto terbaru ke :

HR Department PT. Novell Pharmaceutical Lab.
Jl. Limo No. 42 A-B
Permata Hijau
Jakarta 12220
atau email ke

job vancancy

Our company is a multinational operator of Production Sharing Contract in Indonesia, in the business of oil and natural gas exploration and exploitation. In line with our expansion plan, we are currently seeking candidates to fill the following positions :

Main job & responsibility: Provide operational and administrative support in the preparation of Contract Exhibits, Contract Packages, and Tender Packages, Bid recommendation and others for all related activities within the Business Unit in compliance with BPMIGAS regulations.

Requirement :
- Bachelor Degree in Law, Management, Engineering, Business Administration or related Social
Science Discipline.

- Min. 3-5 handling years experiences, preferably in Oil & Gas Operations
- Good computer skill (related application / software)
- Good English skill (verbal & writing)
- Excellent Communication and Relationship skill

Interested applicants are invited to forward their comprehensive resume immediately to
Confidentially is guaranteed. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Lowongan Administrasi (Female) - butuh SEGERA

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang outsourcing, membutuhkan segera 1(satu) orang Administrasi, dengan syarat-syarat di bawah ini:

- Wanita
- Pendidikan minimal D3
- Status Lajang
- Umur maximum 25 tahun
- Bisa mengetik dengan system 10 jari
- Bisa berbahasa Inggeris aktif lisan dan tulisan
- Mampu bekerja under pressure
- Mampu bekerja overtime
- Mampu bekerja cepat, teliti
- Berpenampilan cantik
- Sehat rohani dan jasmani
- Bisa presentasi (lebih diutamakan)
- Berdomisili Jakarta Selatan (lebih diutamakan)

Kirim CV ke Email:
Ketik dalam Subject Email: Administrasi
Lowongan ditutup ahir Oktober 2007.

Vacant position as Teknisi AC @ Mal Taman Anggrek

Pada saat ini PT. Mulia Intipelangi (Mall Taman Anggrek) tengah membutuhkan 3 orang tenaga profesional untuk ditempatkan di bagian AC sebagai Teknisi.

Persyaratan :
1. Pria, maksimal usia 27 tahun.
2. Pendidikan min SMK.
3. Memiliki keinginan untuk bekerja keras.
4. Bersedia bekerja dalam shift.
5. Pengalaman minimal 1 (satu) tahun di Engineering - AC

Bagi anda yang berminat terhadap posisi tersebut dapat mengirimkan lamaran ke
Bagian Rekrutment PT. Mulia Intipelangi

MAL TAMAN ANGGREK LANTAI 5 (management office)
Jl. Letjend. S. Parman Kav 21 Jakarta Barat 11470

Lamaran paling lambat kami terima pada tanggal 05 November 2007. Pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria akan dites terlebih dahulu pada tanggal - tanggal yang telah ditentukan.